public function HeaderComparison::compareArray

Check if an array of HTTP headers matches another array of HTTP headers while taking * into account as a wildcard


array $expected Expected HTTP headers (allows wildcard values):

array|Collection $actual Actual HTTP header array:

array $ignore Headers to ignore from the comparison:

array $absent Array of headers that must not be present:

Return value

array|bool Returns an array of the differences or FALSE if none

1 call to HeaderComparison::compareArray()
HeaderComparison::compare in drupal/core/vendor/guzzle/http/Guzzle/Http/Message/HeaderComparison.php
Compare HTTP headers and use special markup to filter values A header prefixed with '!' means it must not exist A header prefixed with '_' means it must be ignored A header value of '*' means anything after the * will be…


drupal/core/vendor/guzzle/http/Guzzle/Http/Message/HeaderComparison.php, line 58


Class used to compare HTTP headers using a custom DSL




public function compareArray(array $expected, $actual, array $ignore = array(), array $absent = array()) {
  $differences = array();

  // Add information about headers that were present but weren't supposed to be
  foreach ($absent as $header) {
    if ($this
      ->hasKey($header, $actual)) {
      $differences["++ {$header}"] = $actual[$header];

  // Check if expected headers are missing
  foreach ($expected as $header => $value) {
    if (!$this
      ->hasKey($header, $actual)) {
      $differences["- {$header}"] = $value;

  // Flip the ignore array so it works with the case insensitive helper
  $ignore = array_flip($ignore);

  // Allow case-insensitive comparisons in wildcards
  $expected = array_change_key_case($expected);

  // Compare the expected and actual HTTP headers in no particular order
  foreach ($actual as $key => $value) {

    // If this is to be ignored, the skip it
    if ($this
      ->hasKey($key, $ignore)) {

    // If the header was not expected
    if (!$this
      ->hasKey($key, $expected)) {
      $differences["+ {$key}"] = $value;

    // Check values and take wildcards into account
    $lkey = strtolower($key);
    $pos = is_string($expected[$lkey]) ? strpos($expected[$lkey], '*') : false;
    foreach ((array) $actual[$key] as $v) {
      if ($pos === false && $v != $expected[$lkey] || $pos > 0 && substr($v, 0, $pos) != substr($expected[$lkey], 0, $pos)) {
        $differences[$key] = "{$value} != {$expected[$lkey]}";
  return empty($differences) ? false : $differences;