public function testLoadAnonymousServices() {
$container = new ContainerBuilder();
$loader = new XmlFileLoader($container, new FileLocator(self::$fixturesPath . '/xml'));
$services = $container
->assertEquals(4, count($services), '->load() attributes unique ids to anonymous services');
// anonymous service as an argument
$args = $services['foo']
->assertEquals(1, count($args), '->load() references anonymous services as "normal" ones');
->assertEquals('Symfony\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Reference', get_class($args[0]), '->load() converts anonymous services to references to "normal" services');
->assertTrue(isset($services[(string) $args[0]]), '->load() makes a reference to the created ones');
$inner = $services[(string) $args[0]];
->assertEquals('BarClass', $inner
->getClass(), '->load() uses the same configuration as for the anonymous ones');
// inner anonymous services
$args = $inner
->assertEquals(1, count($args), '->load() references anonymous services as "normal" ones');
->assertEquals('Symfony\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Reference', get_class($args[0]), '->load() converts anonymous services to references to "normal" services');
->assertTrue(isset($services[(string) $args[0]]), '->load() makes a reference to the created ones');
$inner = $services[(string) $args[0]];
->assertEquals('BazClass', $inner
->getClass(), '->load() uses the same configuration as for the anonymous ones');
// anonymous service as a property
$properties = $services['foo']
$property = $properties['p'];
->assertEquals('Symfony\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Reference', get_class($property), '->load() converts anonymous services to references to "normal" services');
->assertTrue(isset($services[(string) $property]), '->load() makes a reference to the created ones');
$inner = $services[(string) $property];
->assertEquals('BazClass', $inner
->getClass(), '->load() uses the same configuration as for the anonymous ones');