Convert the htmlPattern to a suitable format for HTML5 pattern. Example: /^[a-z]+$/ would be converted to [a-z]+ However, if options are specified, it cannot be converted
Pattern is also ignored if match=false since the pattern should then be reversed before application.
@todo reverse pattern in case match=false as per issue #5307
private function getNonDelimitedPattern() {
// If match = false, pattern should not be added to HTML5 validation
if (!$this->match) {
return null;
if (preg_match('/^(.)(\\^?)(.*?)(\\$?)\\1$/', $this->pattern, $matches)) {
$delimiter = $matches[1];
$start = empty($matches[2]) ? '.*' : '';
$pattern = $matches[3];
$end = empty($matches[4]) ? '.*' : '';
// Unescape the delimiter in pattern
$pattern = str_replace('\\' . $delimiter, $delimiter, $pattern);
return $start . $pattern . $end;
return null;