public function RouteEnhancerInterface::enhance

Update the defaults based on its own data and the request.


array $defaults the getRouteDefaults array:

Return value

array the modified defaults. Each enhancer MUST return the $defaults but may add or remove values

9 methods override RouteEnhancerInterface::enhance()
AjaxEnhancer::enhance in drupal/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Routing/Enhancer/AjaxEnhancer.php
Update the defaults based on its own data and the request.
ContentControllerEnhancer::enhance in drupal/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Routing/Enhancer/ContentControllerEnhancer.php
Update the defaults based on its own data and the request.
EntityFormEnhancer::enhance in drupal/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/Enhancer/EntityFormEnhancer.php
Update the defaults based on its own data and the request.
FieldByClassEnhancer::enhance in drupal/core/vendor/symfony-cmf/routing/Symfony/Cmf/Component/Routing/Enhancer/FieldByClassEnhancer.php
If the source field is instance of one of the entries in the map, target is set to the value of that map entry.
FieldMapEnhancer::enhance in drupal/core/vendor/symfony-cmf/routing/Symfony/Cmf/Component/Routing/Enhancer/FieldMapEnhancer.php
If the target field is not set but the source field is, map the field

... See full list


drupal/core/vendor/symfony-cmf/routing/Symfony/Cmf/Component/Routing/Enhancer/RouteEnhancerInterface.php, line 26


A route enhancer can change the values in the route data arrays




public function enhance(array $defaults, Request $request);