Registers a Global.
New globals can be added before compiling or rendering a template; but after, you can only update existing globals.
string $name The global name:
mixed $value The global value:
public function addGlobal($name, $value) {
if ($this->extensionInitialized || $this->runtimeInitialized) {
if (null === $this->globals) {
$this->globals = $this
/* This condition must be uncommented in Twig 2.0
if (!array_key_exists($name, $this->globals)) {
throw new LogicException(sprintf('Unable to add global "%s" as the runtime or the extensions have already been initialized.', $name));
if ($this->extensionInitialized || $this->runtimeInitialized) {
// update the value
$this->globals[$name] = $value;
else {
->addGlobal($name, $value);