
Primary tabs

Name Location Description Direct uses Stringssort ascending
REQUIREMENT_INFO drupal/core/includes/ Requirement severity -- Informational message only. 1
REQUIREMENT_OK drupal/core/includes/ Requirement severity -- Requirement successfully met. 1
REQUIREMENT_WARNING drupal/core/includes/ Requirement severity -- Warning condition; proceed but flag warning. 11
REQUIREMENT_ERROR drupal/core/includes/ Requirement severity -- Error condition; abort installation. 19
FILE_EXIST drupal/core/includes/ File permission check -- File exists. 4
FILE_READABLE drupal/core/includes/ File permission check -- File is readable. 6
FILE_WRITABLE drupal/core/includes/ File permission check -- File is writable. 5
FILE_EXECUTABLE drupal/core/includes/ File permission check -- File is executable. 3
FILE_NOT_EXIST drupal/core/includes/ File permission check -- File does not exist. 1
FILE_NOT_READABLE drupal/core/includes/ File permission check -- File is not readable. 3
FILE_NOT_WRITABLE drupal/core/includes/ File permission check -- File is not writable. 4
FILE_NOT_EXECUTABLE drupal/core/includes/ File permission check -- File is not executable. 3
LANGUAGE_NEGOTIATION_SELECTED drupal/core/includes/ No language negotiation. The default language is used. 6
STREAM_WRAPPERS_ALL drupal/core/includes/ Stream wrapper bit flag -- a filter that matches all wrappers.
STREAM_WRAPPERS_LOCAL drupal/core/includes/ Stream wrapper bit flag -- refers to a local file system location. 2
STREAM_WRAPPERS_READ drupal/core/includes/ Stream wrapper bit flag -- wrapper is readable (almost always true). 1
STREAM_WRAPPERS_WRITE drupal/core/includes/ Stream wrapper bit flag -- wrapper is writeable. 1
STREAM_WRAPPERS_VISIBLE drupal/core/includes/ Stream wrapper bit flag -- exposed in the UI and potentially web accessible. 1
FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY drupal/core/includes/ Flag used by file_prepare_directory() -- create directory if not present. 21
FILE_MODIFY_PERMISSIONS drupal/core/includes/ Flag used by file_prepare_directory() -- file permissions may be changed. 6
FILE_EXISTS_RENAME drupal/core/includes/ Flag for dealing with existing files: Appends number until name is unique. 18
FILE_EXISTS_REPLACE drupal/core/includes/ Flag for dealing with existing files: Replace the existing file. 26
FILE_EXISTS_ERROR drupal/core/includes/ Flag for dealing with existing files: Do nothing and return FALSE. 12
FILE_STATUS_PERMANENT drupal/core/includes/ Indicates that the file is permanent and should not be deleted. 17
VERSION drupal/core/includes/ The current system version. 32
DRUPAL_CORE_COMPATIBILITY drupal/core/includes/ Core API compatibility. 11
DRUPAL_MINIMUM_PHP drupal/core/includes/ Minimum supported version of PHP. 4
DRUPAL_MINIMUM_PHP_MEMORY_LIMIT drupal/core/includes/ Minimum recommended value of PHP memory_limit.
ERROR_REPORTING_HIDE drupal/core/includes/ Error reporting level: display no errors.
ERROR_REPORTING_DISPLAY_SOME drupal/core/includes/ Error reporting level: display errors and warnings. 1
ERROR_REPORTING_DISPLAY_ALL drupal/core/includes/ Error reporting level: display all messages. 1
ERROR_REPORTING_DISPLAY_VERBOSE drupal/core/includes/ Error reporting level: display all messages, plus backtrace information. 2
WATCHDOG_EMERGENCY drupal/core/includes/ Log message severity -- Emergency: system is unusable. 2
WATCHDOG_ALERT drupal/core/includes/ Log message severity -- Alert: action must be taken immediately. 2
WATCHDOG_CRITICAL drupal/core/includes/ Log message severity -- Critical conditions. 2
WATCHDOG_ERROR drupal/core/includes/ Log message severity -- Error conditions. 26
WATCHDOG_WARNING drupal/core/includes/ Log message severity -- Warning conditions. 19
WATCHDOG_NOTICE drupal/core/includes/ Log message severity -- Normal but significant conditions. 28
WATCHDOG_INFO drupal/core/includes/ Log message severity -- Informational messages. 9
WATCHDOG_DEBUG drupal/core/includes/ Log message severity -- Debug-level messages. 3
DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_CONFIGURATION drupal/core/includes/ First bootstrap phase: initialize configuration. 6
DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_KERNEL drupal/core/includes/ Second bootstrap phase, initalize a kernel. 1
DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_PAGE_CACHE drupal/core/includes/ Third bootstrap phase: try to serve a cached page. 1
DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_DATABASE drupal/core/includes/ Fourth bootstrap phase: initialize database layer. 3
DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_VARIABLES drupal/core/includes/ Fifth bootstrap phase: initialize the variable system. 5
DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_SESSION drupal/core/includes/ Sixth bootstrap phase: initialize session handling. 4
DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_PAGE_HEADER drupal/core/includes/ Seventh bootstrap phase: set up the page header. 1
DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_CODE drupal/core/includes/ Eighth bootstrap phase: load code for subsystems and modules. 5
DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_FULL drupal/core/includes/ Final bootstrap phase: initialize language, path, theme, and modules. 7
DRUPAL_ANONYMOUS_RID drupal/core/includes/ Role ID for anonymous users; should match what's in the "role" table. 40


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