6 calls to drupal_theme_access()

drupal_theme_initialize in drupal/core/includes/theme.inc
Initialize the theme system by loading the theme.
menu_get_custom_theme in drupal/core/includes/menu.inc
Gets the custom theme for the current page, if there is one.
system_themes_page in drupal/core/modules/system/system.admin.inc
Menu callback; displays a listing of all themes.
ThemeTest::testListThemes in drupal/core/modules/system/lib/Drupal/system/Tests/Theme/ThemeTest.php
Test the list_themes() function.
_block_themes_access in drupal/core/modules/block/block.module
Access callback: Only enabled themes can be accessed.
_system_themes_access in drupal/core/modules/system/system.module
Menu item access callback - only enabled themes can be accessed.