Reads in generic transliteration data for a bank of characters.
The data is read in from a file named "x$bank.php" (with $bank in hexidecimal notation) in PHPTransliteration::$dataDirectory. These files should set up a variable $bank containing an array whose numerical indices are the remaining two bytes of the character code, and whose values are the transliterations of these characters into US-ASCII.
$bank: First two bytes of the Unicode character, or 0 for the ASCII range.
protected function readGenericData($bank) {
// Figure out the file name.
$file = $this->dataDirectory . '/x' . sprintf('%02x', $bank) . '.php';
// Read in this file, which should set up a variable called $base, which
// will be local to this function.
if (is_file($file)) {
include $file;
if (!isset($base) || !is_array($base)) {
$base = array();
// Save this data.
$this->genericMap[$bank] = $base;