
Definition of Drupal\system\Tests\Common\HttpRequestTest.




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 * @file
 * Definition of Drupal\system\Tests\Common\HttpRequestTest.
namespace Drupal\system\Tests\Common;

use Drupal\simpletest\WebTestBase;
use Drupal\Core\Language\Language;

 * Tests drupal_http_request().
class HttpRequestTest extends WebTestBase {

   * Modules to enable.
   * @var array
  public static $modules = array(
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Drupal HTTP request',
      'description' => "Performs tests on Drupal's HTTP request mechanism.",
      'group' => 'Common',

   * Checks HTTP requests.
  function testDrupalHTTPRequest() {
    global $is_https;

    // Parse URL schema.
    $missing_scheme = drupal_http_request('');
      ->assertEqual($missing_scheme->code, -1002, 'Returned with "-1002" error code.');
      ->assertEqual($missing_scheme->error, 'missing schema', 'Returned with "missing schema" error message.');
    $unable_to_parse = drupal_http_request('http:///path');
      ->assertEqual($unable_to_parse->code, -1001, 'Returned with "-1001" error code.');
      ->assertEqual($unable_to_parse->error, 'unable to parse URL', 'Returned with "unable to parse URL" error message.');

    // Fetch the test page.
    $result = drupal_http_request(url('test-page', array(
      'absolute' => TRUE,
      ->assertEqual($result->code, 200, 'Fetched page successfully.');
      ->assertTitle(t('Test page | @site-name', array(
      '@site-name' => config('')

    // Test that code and status message is returned.
    $result = drupal_http_request(url('pagedoesnotexist', array(
      'absolute' => TRUE,
      ->assertTrue(!empty($result->protocol), 'Result protocol is returned.');
      ->assertEqual($result->code, '404', 'Result code is 404');
      ->assertEqual($result->status_message, 'Not Found', 'Result status message is "Not Found"');

    // Skip the timeout tests when the testing environment is HTTPS because
    // stream_set_timeout() does not work for SSL connections.
    // @link
    if (!$is_https) {

      // Test that timeout is respected. The test machine is expected to be able
      // to make the connection (i.e. complete the fsockopen()) in 2 seconds and
      // return within a total of 5 seconds. If the test machine is extremely
      // slow, the test will fail. fsockopen() has been seen to time out in
      // slightly less than the specified timeout, so allow a little slack on
      // the minimum expected time (i.e. 1.8 instead of 2).
      $result = drupal_http_request(url('system-test/sleep/10', array(
        'absolute' => TRUE,
      )), array(
        'timeout' => 2,
      $time = timer_read(__METHOD__) / 1000;
        ->assertTrue(1.8 < $time && $time < 5, format_string('Request timed out (%time seconds).', array(
        '%time' => $time,
        ->assertTrue($result->error, 'An error message was returned.');
        ->assertEqual($result->code, HTTP_REQUEST_TIMEOUT, 'Proper error code was returned.');

   * Tests HTTP basic authorization.
  function testDrupalHTTPRequestBasicAuth() {
    $username = $this
    $password = $this
    $url = url('system-test/auth', array(
      'absolute' => TRUE,
    $auth = str_replace('://', '://' . $username . ':' . $password . '@', $url);
    $result = drupal_http_request($auth);
      ->assertRaw($username, '$_SERVER["PHP_AUTH_USER"] is passed correctly.');
      ->assertRaw($password, '$_SERVER["PHP_AUTH_PW"] is passed correctly.');

   * Tests HTTP redirect requests.
  function testDrupalHTTPRequestRedirect() {
    $redirect_301 = drupal_http_request(url('system-test/redirect/301', array(
      'absolute' => TRUE,
    )), array(
      'max_redirects' => 1,
      ->assertEqual($redirect_301->redirect_code, 301, 'drupal_http_request follows the 301 redirect.');
    $redirect_301 = drupal_http_request(url('system-test/redirect/301', array(
      'absolute' => TRUE,
    )), array(
      'max_redirects' => 0,
      ->assertFalse(isset($redirect_301->redirect_code), 'drupal_http_request does not follow 301 redirect if max_redirects = 0.');
    $redirect_invalid = drupal_http_request(url('system-test/redirect-noscheme', array(
      'absolute' => TRUE,
    )), array(
      'max_redirects' => 1,
      ->assertEqual($redirect_invalid->code, -1002, format_string('301 redirect to invalid URL returned with error code !error.', array(
      '!error' => $redirect_invalid->error,
      ->assertEqual($redirect_invalid->error, 'missing schema', format_string('301 redirect to invalid URL returned with error message "!error".', array(
      '!error' => $redirect_invalid->error,
    $redirect_invalid = drupal_http_request(url('system-test/redirect-noparse', array(
      'absolute' => TRUE,
    )), array(
      'max_redirects' => 1,
      ->assertEqual($redirect_invalid->code, -1001, format_string('301 redirect to invalid URL returned with error message code "!error".', array(
      '!error' => $redirect_invalid->error,
      ->assertEqual($redirect_invalid->error, 'unable to parse URL', format_string('301 redirect to invalid URL returned with error message "!error".', array(
      '!error' => $redirect_invalid->error,
    $redirect_invalid = drupal_http_request(url('system-test/redirect-invalid-scheme', array(
      'absolute' => TRUE,
    )), array(
      'max_redirects' => 1,
      ->assertEqual($redirect_invalid->code, -1003, format_string('301 redirect to invalid URL returned with error code !error.', array(
      '!error' => $redirect_invalid->error,
      ->assertEqual($redirect_invalid->error, 'invalid schema ftp', format_string('301 redirect to invalid URL returned with error message "!error".', array(
      '!error' => $redirect_invalid->error,
    $redirect_302 = drupal_http_request(url('system-test/redirect/302', array(
      'absolute' => TRUE,
    )), array(
      'max_redirects' => 1,
      ->assertEqual($redirect_302->redirect_code, 302, 'drupal_http_request follows the 302 redirect.');
    $redirect_302 = drupal_http_request(url('system-test/redirect/302', array(
      'absolute' => TRUE,
    )), array(
      'max_redirects' => 0,
      ->assertFalse(isset($redirect_302->redirect_code), 'drupal_http_request does not follow 302 redirect if $retry = 0.');
    $redirect_307 = drupal_http_request(url('system-test/redirect/307', array(
      'absolute' => TRUE,
    )), array(
      'max_redirects' => 1,
      ->assertEqual($redirect_307->redirect_code, 307, 'drupal_http_request follows the 307 redirect.');
    $redirect_307 = drupal_http_request(url('system-test/redirect/307', array(
      'absolute' => TRUE,
    )), array(
      'max_redirects' => 0,
      ->assertFalse(isset($redirect_307->redirect_code), 'drupal_http_request does not follow 307 redirect if max_redirects = 0.');
    $multiple_redirect_final_url = url('system-test/multiple-redirects/0', array(
      'absolute' => TRUE,
    $multiple_redirect_1 = drupal_http_request(url('system-test/multiple-redirects/1', array(
      'absolute' => TRUE,
    )), array(
      'max_redirects' => 1,
      ->assertEqual($multiple_redirect_1->redirect_url, $multiple_redirect_final_url, 'redirect_url contains the final redirection location after 1 redirect.');
    $multiple_redirect_3 = drupal_http_request(url('system-test/multiple-redirects/3', array(
      'absolute' => TRUE,
    )), array(
      'max_redirects' => 3,
      ->assertEqual($multiple_redirect_3->redirect_url, $multiple_redirect_final_url, 'redirect_url contains the final redirection location after 3 redirects.');

   * Tests Content-language headers generated by Drupal.
  function testDrupalHTTPRequestHeaders() {

    // Check the default header.
    $request = drupal_http_request(url('<front>', array(
      'absolute' => TRUE,
      ->assertEqual($request->headers['content-language'], 'en', 'Content-Language HTTP header is English.');

    // Add French language.
    $language = new Language(array(
      'langcode' => 'fr',
      'name' => 'French',

    // Request front page in French and check for matching Content-language.
    $request = drupal_http_request(url('<front>', array(
      'absolute' => TRUE,
      'language' => $language,
      ->assertEqual($request->headers['content-language'], 'fr', 'Content-Language HTTP header is French.');

