
Definition of Drupal\system\Tests\Theme\TwigReferenceUnitTest.




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 * @file
 * Definition of Drupal\system\Tests\Theme\TwigReferenceUnitTest.
namespace Drupal\system\Tests\Theme;

use Drupal\simpletest\UnitTestBase;
use Drupal\Core\Template\TwigReference;
use Drupal\Core\Template\TwigReferenceFunctions;

 * Unit tests for TwigReference class.
class TwigReferenceUnitTest extends UnitTestBase {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Theme Twig References',
      'description' => 'Tests TwigReference functions',
      'group' => 'Theme',
  function setUp() {
    $this->variables = array(
      'foo' => 'bar',
      'baz' => array(
        'foo' => '42',
        'bar' => '23',
      'node' => new TwigReferenceObjectTest(42, 'test node'),

   * Test function for TwigReference class
  function testTwigReference() {

    // Create a new TwigReference wrapper
    $wrapper = new TwigReference();

    // Check that strings are returned as strings
    $foo = $wrapper['foo'];
      ->assertEqual($foo, $this->variables['foo'], 'String returned from TwigReference is the same');
      ->assertTrue(is_string($foo), 'String returned from TwigReference is of type string');

    // Check that arrays are wrapped again as TwigReference objects
    $baz = $wrapper['baz'];
      ->assertTrue(is_object($baz), 'Array returned from TwigReference is of type object');
      ->assertTrue($baz instanceof TwigReference, 'Array returned from TwigReference is instance of TwigReference');

    // Check that getReference is giving back a reference to the original array
    $ref =& $baz
      ->assertTrue(is_array($ref), 'getReference returns an array');

    // Now modify $ref
    $ref['#hidden'] = TRUE;
      ->assertEqual($ref['#hidden'], $this->variables['baz']['#hidden'], 'Property set on reference is passed to original array.');
      ->assertEqual($ref['#hidden'], $baz['#hidden'], 'Property set on reference is passed to wrapper.');

    // Now modify $baz
    $baz['hi'] = 'hello';
      ->assertEqual($baz['hi'], $this->variables['baz']['hi'], 'Property set on TwigReference object is passed to original array.');
      ->assertEqual($baz['hi'], $ref['hi'], 'Property set on TwigReference object is passed to reference.');

    // Check that an object is passed through directly
    $node = $wrapper['node'];
      ->assertTrue(is_object($node), 'Object returned from TwigReference is of type object');
      ->assertTrue($node instanceof TwigReferenceObjectTest, 'Object returned from TwigReference is instance of TwigReferenceObjectTest');

   * Test function for TwigReferenceFunctions class
  function testTwigReferenceFunctions() {

    // Create wrapper
    $content =& $this->variables;

    // Use twig nomenclature
    $context['content'] = $content;

    // Twig converts {{ hide(content.baz) }} to the following code
    // This will have failed, because getAttribute returns a value and not a reference
    try {
      if (isset($context["content"])) {
        $_content_ = $context["content"];
      else {
        $_content_ = NULL;
        ->getAttribute($_content_, "baz"));
    } catch (Exception $e) {

      // Catch the critical warning that a value was passed by reference
      ->assertFalse(isset($content['baz']['#printed']), 'baz is not hidden in content after hide() via value');

    // Now lets do the same with some TwigReference magic!
    $content_wrapper = new TwigReference();
    $context['content'] = $content_wrapper;

    // Twig converts {{ hide(content.baz) }} to the following code
    // This will succeed, because getAttribute returns a value, but it is an object
    if (isset($context["content"])) {
      $_content_ = $context["content"];
    else {
      $_content_ = NULL;
      ->getAttribute($_content_, "baz"));
      ->assertTrue(isset($content['baz']['#printed']), 'baz is hidden in content after hide() via TwigReference object');
    $type = TwigReferenceFunctions::gettype($this
      ->getAttribute($_content_, "baz"));
      ->assertEqual($type, 'array', 'Type returned via TwigReferenceFunctions:: is an array.');
    $type = gettype($this
      ->getAttribute($_content_, "baz"));
      ->assertEqual($type, 'object', 'Type returned without TwigReferenceFunctions:: is an object.');

   *  Helper function to somehow simulate Twigs getAttribute function
  public function getAttribute($array, $offset) {
    if (isset($array[$offset])) {
      return $array[$offset];
    return NULL;



Namesort descending Description
TwigReferenceUnitTest Unit tests for TwigReference class.