function TermTest::testTermAutocompletion

Tests term autocompletion edge cases with slashes in the names.


drupal/core/modules/taxonomy/lib/Drupal/taxonomy/Tests/TermTest.php, line 238
Definition of Drupal\taxonomy\Tests\TermTest.


Tests for taxonomy term functions.




function testTermAutocompletion() {

  // Add a term with a slash in the name.
  $first_term = $this
  $first_term->name = '10/16/2011';

  // Add another term that differs after the slash character.
  $second_term = $this
  $second_term->name = '10/17/2011';

  // Add another term that has both a comma and a slash character.
  $third_term = $this
  $third_term->name = 'term with, a comma and / a slash';

  // Try to autocomplete a term name that matches both terms.
  // We should get both term in a json encoded string.
  $input = '10/';
  $path = 'taxonomy/autocomplete/taxonomy_' . $this->vocabulary->machine_name;

  // The result order is not guaranteed, so check each term separately.
  $result = $this
    ->drupalGet($path, array(
    'query' => array(
      'q' => $input,
  $data = drupal_json_decode($result);
    ->assertEqual($data[$first_term->name], check_plain($first_term->name), 'Autocomplete returned the first matching term');
    ->assertEqual($data[$second_term->name], check_plain($second_term->name), 'Autocomplete returned the second matching term');

  // Try to autocomplete a term name that matches first term.
  // We should only get the first term in a json encoded string.
  $input = '10/16';
  $path = 'taxonomy/autocomplete/taxonomy_' . $this->vocabulary->machine_name;
    ->drupalGet($path, array(
    'query' => array(
      'q' => $input,
  $target = array(
    $first_term->name => check_plain($first_term->name),
    ->assertRaw(drupal_json_encode($target), 'Autocomplete returns only the expected matching term.');

  // Try to autocomplete a term name with both a comma and a slash.
  $input = '"term with, comma and / a';
  $path = 'taxonomy/autocomplete/taxonomy_' . $this->vocabulary->machine_name;
    ->drupalGet($path, array(
    'query' => array(
      'q' => $input,
  $n = $third_term->name;

  // Term names containing commas or quotes must be wrapped in quotes.
  if (strpos($third_term->name, ',') !== FALSE || strpos($third_term->name, '"') !== FALSE) {
    $n = '"' . str_replace('"', '""', $third_term->name) . '"';
  $target = array(
    $n => check_plain($third_term->name),
    ->assertRaw(drupal_json_encode($target), 'Autocomplete returns a term containing a comma and a slash.');