Set the display as current.
$display_id: The id of the display to mark as current.
public function setDisplay($display_id = NULL) {
// If we have not already initialized the display, do so. But be careful.
if (empty($this->current_display)) {
// If handlers were not initialized, and no argument was sent, set up
// to the default display.
if (empty($display_id)) {
$display_id = 'default';
$display_id = $this
// If no display id sent in and one wasn't chosen above, we're finished.
if (empty($display_id)) {
return FALSE;
// Ensure the requested display exists.
if (empty($this->displayHandlers[$display_id])) {
$display_id = 'default';
if (empty($this->displayHandlers[$display_id])) {
debug(format_string('set_display() called with invalid display ID @display.', array(
'@display' => $display_id,
return FALSE;
// Set the current display.
$this->current_display = $display_id;
// Ensure requested display has a working handler.
if (empty($this->displayHandlers[$display_id])) {
return FALSE;
// Set a shortcut
$this->display_handler = $this->displayHandlers[$display_id];
return TRUE;