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namespace Guzzle\Http;

use Guzzle\Stream\StreamInterface;

 * Entity body used with an HTTP request or response
interface EntityBodyInterface extends StreamInterface {

   * Specify a custom callback used to rewind a non-seekable stream. This can be useful entity enclosing requests
   * that are redirected.
   * @param mixed $callable Callable to invoke to rewind a non-seekable stream. The callback must accept an
   *                        EntityBodyInterface object, perform the rewind if possible, and return a boolean
   *                        representing whether or not the rewind was successful.
   * @return self
  public function setRewindFunction($callable);

   * If the stream is readable, compress the data in the stream using deflate compression. The uncompressed stream is
   * then closed, and the compressed stream then becomes the wrapped stream.
   * @param string $filter Compression filter
   * @return bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure
  public function compress($filter = 'zlib.deflate');

   * Decompress a deflated string. Once uncompressed, the uncompressed string is then used as the wrapped stream.
   * @param string $filter De-compression filter
   * @return bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure
  public function uncompress($filter = 'zlib.inflate');

   * Get the Content-Length of the entity body if possible (alias of getSize)
   * @return int|bool Returns the Content-Length or false on failure
  public function getContentLength();

   * Guess the Content-Type or return the default application/octet-stream
   * @return string
   * @see http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.finfo-open.php
  public function getContentType();

   * Get an MD5 checksum of the stream's contents
   * @param bool $rawOutput    Whether or not to use raw output
   * @param bool $base64Encode Whether or not to base64 encode raw output (only if raw output is true)
   * @return bool|string Returns an MD5 string on success or FALSE on failure
  public function getContentMd5($rawOutput = false, $base64Encode = false);

   * Get the Content-Encoding of the EntityBody
   * @return bool|string
  public function getContentEncoding();



Namesort descending Description
EntityBodyInterface Entity body used with an HTTP request or response