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namespace Guzzle\Http\Message;

use Guzzle\Common\Collection;
use Guzzle\Http\EntityBodyInterface;
use Guzzle\Http\Url;

 * Request factory used to create HTTP requests
interface RequestFactoryInterface {

   * Create a new request based on an HTTP message
   * @param string $message HTTP message as a string
   * @return RequestInterface
  public function fromMessage($message);

   * Create a request from URL parts as returned from parse_url()
   * @param string $method HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT, HEAD, DELETE, etc)
   * @param array $urlParts URL parts containing the same keys as parse_url()
   *     - scheme: e.g. http
   *     - host:   e.g.
   *     - port:   e.g. 80
   *     - user:   e.g. michael
   *     - pass:   e.g. rocks
   *     - path:   e.g. / OR /index.html
   *     - query:  after the question mark ?
   * @param array|Collection                          $headers         HTTP headers
   * @param string|resource|array|EntityBodyInterface $body            Body to send in the request
   * @param string                                    $protocol        Protocol (HTTP, SPYDY, etc)
   * @param string                                    $protocolVersion 1.0, 1.1, etc
   * @return RequestInterface
  public function fromParts($method, array $urlParts, $headers = null, $body = null, $protocol = 'HTTP', $protocolVersion = '1.1');

   * Create a new request based on the HTTP method
   * @param string                                    $method  HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, HEAD, DELETE, ...)
   * @param string|Url                                $url     HTTP URL to connect to
   * @param array|Collection                          $headers HTTP headers
   * @param string|resource|array|EntityBodyInterface $body    Body to send in the request
   * @return RequestInterface
  public function create($method, $url, $headers = null, $body = null);



Namesort descending Description
RequestFactoryInterface Request factory used to create HTTP requests