public static function Request::normalizeQueryString

Normalizes a query string.

It builds a normalized query string, where keys/value pairs are alphabetized, have consistent escaping and unneeded delimiters are removed.


string $qs Query string:

Return value

string A normalized query string for the Request

1 call to Request::normalizeQueryString()
Request::getQueryString in drupal/core/vendor/symfony/http-foundation/Symfony/Component/HttpFoundation/Request.php
Generates the normalized query string for the Request.


drupal/core/vendor/symfony/http-foundation/Symfony/Component/HttpFoundation/Request.php, line 473


Request represents an HTTP request.




public static function normalizeQueryString($qs) {
  if ('' == $qs) {
    return '';
  $parts = array();
  $order = array();
  foreach (explode('&', $qs) as $param) {
    if ('' === $param || '=' === $param[0]) {

      // Ignore useless delimiters, e.g. "x=y&".
      // Also ignore pairs with empty key, even if there was a value, e.g. "=value", as such nameless values cannot be retrieved anyway.
      // PHP also does not include them when building _GET.
    $keyValuePair = explode('=', $param, 2);

    // GET parameters, that are submitted from a HTML form, encode spaces as "+" by default (as defined in enctype application/x-www-form-urlencoded).
    // PHP also converts "+" to spaces when filling the global _GET or when using the function parse_str. This is why we use urldecode and then normalize to
    // RFC 3986 with rawurlencode.
    $parts[] = isset($keyValuePair[1]) ? rawurlencode(urldecode($keyValuePair[0])) . '=' . rawurlencode(urldecode($keyValuePair[1])) : rawurlencode(urldecode($keyValuePair[0]));
    $order[] = urldecode($keyValuePair[0]);
  array_multisort($order, SORT_ASC, $parts);
  return implode('&', $parts);