function _filter_tips

Retrieves the filter tips.


$format_id: The ID of the text format for which to retrieve tips, or -1 to return tips for all formats accessible to the current user.

$long: (optional) Boolean indicating whether the long form of tips should be returned. Defaults to FALSE.

Return value

An associative array of filtering tips, keyed by filter name. Each filtering tip is an associative array with elements:

  • tip: Tip text.
  • id: Filter ID.
2 calls to _filter_tips()
filter_tips_long in drupal/modules/filter/
Page callback: Displays a page with long filter tips.
theme_filter_guidelines in drupal/modules/filter/filter.module
Returns HTML for guidelines for a text format.


drupal/modules/filter/filter.module, line 1061
Framework for handling the filtering of content.


function _filter_tips($format_id, $long = FALSE) {
  global $user;
  $formats = filter_formats($user);
  $filter_info = filter_get_filters();
  $tips = array();

  // If only listing one format, extract it from the $formats array.
  if ($format_id != -1) {
    $formats = array(
  foreach ($formats as $format) {
    $filters = filter_list_format($format->format);
    $tips[$format->name] = array();
    foreach ($filters as $name => $filter) {
      if ($filter->status && isset($filter_info[$name]['tips callback']) && function_exists($filter_info[$name]['tips callback'])) {
        $tip = $filter_info[$name]['tips callback']($filter, $format, $long);
        if (isset($tip)) {
          $tips[$format->name][$name] = array(
            'tip' => $tip,
            'id' => $name,
  return $tips;