function _aggregator_page_list

Prints an aggregator page listing a number of feed items.

Various menu callbacks use this function to print their feeds.


$items: The items to be listed.

$op: Which form should be added to the items. Only 'categorize' is now recognized.

$feed_source: The feed source URL.

Return value

The rendered list of items for the feed.

3 calls to _aggregator_page_list()
AggregatorController::pageLast in drupal/core/modules/aggregator/lib/Drupal/aggregator/Controller/AggregatorController.php
Displays the most recent items gathered from any feed.
aggregator_page_category in drupal/core/modules/aggregator/
Form constructor to list items aggregated in a category.
aggregator_page_source in drupal/core/modules/aggregator/
Page callback: Displays all the items captured from the particular feed.


drupal/core/modules/aggregator/, line 160
User page callbacks for the Aggregator module.


function _aggregator_page_list($items, $op, $feed_source = '') {
  if (user_access('administer news feeds') && $op == 'categorize') {

    // Get form data.
    $build = aggregator_categorize_items($items, $feed_source);
  else {

    // Assemble output.
    $build = array(
      '#type' => 'container',
      '#attributes' => array(
        'class' => array(
    $build['feed_source'] = is_array($feed_source) ? $feed_source : array(
      '#markup' => $feed_source,
    if ($items) {
      $build['items'] = entity_view_multiple($items, 'default');
      $build['pager']['#markup'] = theme('pager');
  return $build;