function comment_load_multiple

Loads comment entities from the database.


array $cids: (optional) An array of entity IDs. If omitted, all entities are loaded.

bool $reset: (optional) Whether to reset the internal static entity cache.

Return value

array An array of comment objects, indexed by comment ID.

See also



4 calls to comment_load_multiple()
comment_admin_overview in drupal/core/modules/comment/
Form constructor for the comment overview administration form.
comment_node_page_additions in drupal/core/modules/comment/comment.module
Builds the comment-related elements for node detail pages.
comment_node_update_index in drupal/core/modules/comment/comment.module
Implements hook_node_update_index().
Rss::pre_render in drupal/core/modules/comment/lib/Drupal/comment/Plugin/views/row/Rss.php
Allow the style to do stuff before each row is rendered.


drupal/core/modules/comment/comment.module, line 1328
Enables users to comment on published content.


function comment_load_multiple(array $cids = NULL, $reset = FALSE) {
  return entity_load_multiple('comment', $cids, $reset);