Batch process: Import translation file.
This batch operation imports either a local gettext file or a downloaded remote gettext file. In case of a downloaded file the location of the temporary file is found in the $context['results']['sources']. The temporary file will be deleted after importing or will be moved to the local translations directory. In case of a local file the file will just be imported.
object $project: Source object of the translatable project.
string $langcode: Language code.
array $options: Array of import options.
$context: Batch context array.
function locale_translation_batch_fetch_import($project, $langcode, $options, &$context) {
$sources = $context['results']['input'];
if (isset($sources[$project . ':' . $langcode])) {
$source = $sources[$project . ':' . $langcode];
if (isset($source->type)) {
if ($source->type == LOCALE_TRANSLATION_REMOTE || $source->type == LOCALE_TRANSLATION_LOCAL) {
$t = get_t();
// If we are working on a remote file we will import the downloaded
// file. If the file was local just mark the result as such.
if ($source->type == LOCALE_TRANSLATION_REMOTE) {
if (isset($context['results']['sources'][$source->project][$source->langcode]->files[LOCALE_TRANSLATION_DOWNLOADED])) {
$source_result = $context['results']['sources'][$source->project][$source->langcode];
else {
$source_result = $source;
$file = $source_result->files[$import_type];
module_load_include('', 'locale');
$options += array(
'message' => $t('Importing translation for %project.', array(
'%project' => $source->project,
// Import the translation file. For large files the batch operations is
// progressive and will be called repeatedly untill finished.
locale_translate_batch_import($file, $options, $context);
// The import is finished.
if (isset($context['finished']) && $context['finished'] == 1) {
// The import is successfull.
if (isset($context['results']['files'][$file->uri])) {
$context['message'] = $t('Imported translation for %project.', array(
'%project' => $source->project,
// Keep the data of imported source. In the following batch
// operation it will be saved in the {locale_file} table.
$source_result->files[LOCALE_TRANSLATION_IMPORTED] = $source_result->files[$source->type];
// Downloaded files are stored in the temporary files directory. If
// files should be kept locally, they will be moved to the local
// translations after successfull import. Otherwise the temporary
// file is deleted after being imported.
if ($import_type == LOCALE_TRANSLATION_DOWNLOADED && config('locale.settings')
->get('translation.path') && isset($source_result->files[LOCALE_TRANSLATION_LOCAL])) {
if (file_unmanaged_move($file->uri, $source_result->files[LOCALE_TRANSLATION_LOCAL]->uri, FILE_EXISTS_REPLACE)) {
// The downloaded file is now moved to the local file location.
// From this point forward we can treat it as if we imported a
// local file.
// The downloaded file is imported but will not be stored locally.
// Store the timestamp and delete the file.
$timestamp = filemtime($source_result->files[$import_type]->uri);
$source_result->files[LOCALE_TRANSLATION_IMPORTED]->timestamp = $timestamp;
$source_result->files[LOCALE_TRANSLATION_IMPORTED]->last_checked = REQUEST_TIME;
// If the translation file is stored in the local directory. The
// timestamp of the file is stored.
if ($import_type == LOCALE_TRANSLATION_LOCAL) {
$timestamp = filemtime($source_result->files[$import_type]->uri);
$source_result->files[LOCALE_TRANSLATION_LOCAL]->timestamp = $timestamp;
$source_result->files[LOCALE_TRANSLATION_IMPORTED]->timestamp = $timestamp;
$source_result->files[LOCALE_TRANSLATION_IMPORTED]->last_checked = REQUEST_TIME;
else {
// File import failed. We can delete the temporary file.
$context['results']['sources'][$source->project][$source->langcode] = $source_result;