class NodeStorageController

Controller class for nodes.

This extends the Drupal\Core\Entity\DatabaseStorageController class, adding required special handling for node entities.


Expanded class hierarchy of NodeStorageController

1 file declares its use of NodeStorageController
NodeTestStorageController.php in drupal/core/modules/node/tests/modules/node_test/lib/Drupal/node_test/NodeTestStorageController.php
Contains \Drupal\node_test\NodeTestStorageController.


drupal/core/modules/node/lib/Drupal/node/NodeStorageController.php, line 19
Definition of Drupal\node\NodeStorageController.


View source
class NodeStorageController extends DatabaseStorageControllerNG {

   * Overrides Drupal\Core\Entity\DatabaseStorageController::create().
  public function create(array $values) {

    // @todo Handle this through property defaults.
    if (empty($values['created'])) {
      $values['created'] = REQUEST_TIME;
    return parent::create($values)

   * Overrides Drupal\Core\Entity\DatabaseStorageControllerNG::attachLoad().
  protected function attachLoad(&$queried_entities, $load_revision = FALSE) {
    $nodes = $this
      ->mapFromStorageRecords($queried_entities, $load_revision);

    // Create an array of nodes for each content type and pass this to the
    // object type specific callback. To preserve backward-compatibility we
    // pass on BC decorators to node-specific hooks, while we pass on the
    // regular entity objects else.
    $typed_nodes = array();
    foreach ($nodes as $id => $node) {
      $queried_entities[$id] = $node
        ->bundle()][$id] = $queried_entities[$id];
    if ($load_revision) {
      field_attach_load_revision($this->entityType, $queried_entities);
    else {
      field_attach_load($this->entityType, $queried_entities);

    // Call object type specific callbacks on each typed array of nodes.
    foreach ($typed_nodes as $node_type => $nodes_of_type) {

      // Retrieve the node type 'base' hook implementation based on a Node in
      // the type-specific stack.
      if ($function = node_hook($node_type, 'load')) {

    // Besides the list of nodes, pass one additional argument to
    // hook_node_load(), containing a list of node types that were loaded.
    $argument = array_keys($typed_nodes);
    $this->hookLoadArguments = array(

    // Call hook_entity_load().
    foreach (module_implements('entity_load') as $module) {
      $function = $module . '_entity_load';
      $function($queried_entities, $this->entityType);

    // Call hook_TYPE_load(). The first argument for hook_TYPE_load() are
    // always the queried entities, followed by additional arguments set in
    // $this->hookLoadArguments.
    $args = array_merge(array(
    ), $this->hookLoadArguments);
    foreach (module_implements($this->entityType . '_load') as $module) {
      call_user_func_array($module . '_' . $this->entityType . '_load', $args);

   * Overrides Drupal\Core\Entity\DatabaseStorageController::invokeHook().
  protected function invokeHook($hook, EntityInterface $node) {
    $node = $node
    if ($hook == 'insert' || $hook == 'update') {
      node_invoke($node, $hook);
    else {
      if ($hook == 'predelete') {

        // 'delete' is triggered in 'predelete' is here to preserve hook ordering
        // from Drupal 7.
        node_invoke($node, 'delete');

    // Inline parent::invokeHook() to pass on BC-entities to node-specific
    // hooks.
    $function = 'field_attach_' . $hook;

    // @todo: field_attach_delete_revision() is named the wrong way round,
    // consider renaming it.
    if ($function == 'field_attach_revision_delete') {
      $function = 'field_attach_delete_revision';
    if (!empty($this->entityInfo['fieldable']) && function_exists($function)) {

    // Invoke the hook.
    module_invoke_all($this->entityType . '_' . $hook, $node);

    // Invoke the respective entity-level hook.
    module_invoke_all('entity_' . $hook, $node, $this->entityType);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function mapToDataStorageRecord(EntityInterface $entity, $langcode) {

    // @todo Remove this once comment is a regular entity field.
    $record = parent::mapToDataStorageRecord($entity, $langcode);
    $record->comment = isset($record->comment) ? intval($record->comment) : 0;
    return $record;

   * Overrides Drupal\Core\Entity\DatabaseStorageController::preSave().
  protected function preSave(EntityInterface $node) {

    // Before saving the node, set changed and revision times.
    $node->changed->value = REQUEST_TIME;

   * Overrides Drupal\Core\Entity\DatabaseStorageController::preSaveRevision().
  protected function preSaveRevision(\stdClass $record, EntityInterface $entity) {
    if ($entity
      ->isNewRevision()) {

      // When inserting either a new node or a new node revision, $node->log
      // must be set because {node_field_revision}.log is a text column and
      // therefore cannot have a default value. However, it might not be set at
      // this point (for example, if the user submitting a node form does not
      // have permission to create revisions), so we ensure that it is at least
      // an empty string in that case.
      // @todo Make the {node_field_revision}.log column nullable so that we
      //   can remove this check.
      if (!isset($record->log)) {
        $record->log = '';
    elseif (isset($entity->original) && (!isset($record->log) || $record->log === '')) {

      // If we are updating an existing node without adding a new revision, we
      // need to make sure $entity->log is reset whenever it is empty.
      // Therefore, this code allows us to avoid clobbering an existing log
      // entry with an empty one.
      $record->log = $entity->original->log;

   * Overrides Drupal\Core\Entity\DatabaseStorageController::postSave().
  public function postSave(EntityInterface $node, $update) {

    // Update the node access table for this node, but only if it is the
    // default revision. There's no need to delete existing records if the node
    // is new.
    if ($node
      ->isDefaultRevision()) {
        ->getBCEntity(), $update);

   * Overrides Drupal\Core\Entity\DatabaseStorageController::preDelete().
  public function preDelete($entities) {
    if (module_exists('search')) {
      foreach ($entities as $id => $entity) {
        search_reindex($entity->nid->value, 'node');

   * Overrides Drupal\Core\Entity\DatabaseStorageController::postDelete().
  protected function postDelete($nodes) {

    // Delete values from other tables also referencing this node.
    $ids = array_keys($nodes);
      ->condition('nid', $ids, 'IN')

   * Overrides \Drupal\Core\Entity\DataBaseStorageControllerNG::basePropertyDefinitions().
  public function baseFieldDefinitions() {
    $properties['nid'] = array(
      'label' => t('Node ID'),
      'description' => t('The node ID.'),
      'type' => 'integer_field',
      'read-only' => TRUE,
    $properties['uuid'] = array(
      'label' => t('UUID'),
      'description' => t('The node UUID.'),
      'type' => 'string_field',
      'read-only' => TRUE,
    $properties['vid'] = array(
      'label' => t('Revision ID'),
      'description' => t('The node revision ID.'),
      'type' => 'integer_field',
      'read-only' => TRUE,
    $properties['type'] = array(
      'label' => t('Type'),
      'description' => t('The node type.'),
      'type' => 'string_field',
      'read-only' => TRUE,
    $properties['langcode'] = array(
      'label' => t('Language code'),
      'description' => t('The node language code.'),
      'type' => 'language_field',
    $properties['title'] = array(
      'label' => t('Title'),
      'description' => t('The title of this node, always treated as non-markup plain text.'),
      'type' => 'string_field',
    $properties['uid'] = array(
      'label' => t('User ID'),
      'description' => t('The user ID of the node author.'),
      'type' => 'entity_reference_field',
      'settings' => array(
        'target_type' => 'user',
    $properties['status'] = array(
      'label' => t('Publishing status'),
      'description' => t('A boolean indicating whether the node is published.'),
      'type' => 'boolean_field',
    $properties['created'] = array(
      'label' => t('Created'),
      'description' => t('The time that the node was created.'),
      'type' => 'integer_field',
    $properties['changed'] = array(
      'label' => t('Changed'),
      'description' => t('The time that the node was last edited.'),
      'type' => 'integer_field',
    $properties['comment'] = array(
      'label' => t('Comment'),
      'description' => t('Whether comments are allowed on this node: 0 = no, 1 = closed (read only), 2 = open (read/write).'),
      'type' => 'integer_field',
    $properties['promote'] = array(
      'label' => t('Promote'),
      'description' => t('A boolean indicating whether the node should be displayed on the front page.'),
      'type' => 'boolean_field',
    $properties['sticky'] = array(
      'label' => t('Sticky'),
      'description' => t('A boolean indicating whether the node should be displayed at the top of lists in which it appears.'),
      'type' => 'boolean_field',
    $properties['tnid'] = array(
      'label' => t('Translation set ID'),
      'description' => t('The translation set id for this node, which equals the node id of the source post in each set.'),
      'type' => 'integer_field',
    $properties['translate'] = array(
      'label' => t('Translate'),
      'description' => t('A boolean indicating whether this translation page needs to be updated.'),
      'type' => 'boolean_field',
    $properties['revision_timestamp'] = array(
      'label' => t('Revision timestamp'),
      'description' => t('The time that the current revision was created.'),
      'type' => 'integer_field',
      'queryable' => FALSE,
    $properties['revision_uid'] = array(
      'label' => t('Revision user ID'),
      'description' => t('The user ID of the author of the current revision.'),
      'type' => 'entity_reference_field',
      'settings' => array(
        'target_type' => 'user',
      'queryable' => FALSE,
    $properties['log'] = array(
      'label' => t('Log'),
      'description' => t('The log entry explaining the changes in this version.'),
      'type' => 'string_field',
    return $properties;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
DatabaseStorageController::$cache protected property Whether this entity type should use the static cache. Overrides EntityStorageControllerBase::$cache
DatabaseStorageController::$database protected property Active database connection.
DatabaseStorageController::$entityFieldInfo protected property An array of field information, i.e. containing definitions.
DatabaseStorageController::$fieldDefinitions protected property Static cache of field definitions per bundle.
DatabaseStorageController::$revisionKey protected property Name of entity's revision database table field, if it supports revisions.
DatabaseStorageController::$revisionTable protected property The table that stores revisions, if the entity supports revisions.
DatabaseStorageController::createInstance public static function Instantiates a new instance of this entity controller. Overrides EntityControllerInterface::createInstance 2
DatabaseStorageController::deleteRevision public function Implements \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageControllerInterface::deleteRevision(). Overrides EntityStorageControllerInterface::deleteRevision
DatabaseStorageController::getFieldDefinitions public function Implements \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageControllerInterface::getFieldDefinitions(). Overrides EntityStorageControllerInterface::getFieldDefinitions
DatabaseStorageController::getQueryServiceName public function Implements \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageControllerInterface::getQueryServiceName().
DatabaseStorageController::load public function Implements \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageControllerInterface::load(). Overrides EntityStorageControllerInterface::load
DatabaseStorageController::loadByProperties public function Implements \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageControllerInterface::loadByProperties(). Overrides EntityStorageControllerInterface::loadByProperties
DatabaseStorageController::loadRevision public function Implements \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageControllerInterface::loadRevision(). Overrides EntityStorageControllerInterface::loadRevision
DatabaseStorageControllerNG::$bundleKey protected property The entity bundle key.
DatabaseStorageControllerNG::$dataTable protected property The table that stores properties, if the entity has multilingual support.
DatabaseStorageControllerNG::$entityClass protected property The entity class to use.
DatabaseStorageControllerNG::attachPropertyData protected function Attaches property data in all languages for translatable properties.
DatabaseStorageControllerNG::buildPropertyQuery protected function Builds an entity query. Overrides DatabaseStorageController::buildPropertyQuery 1
DatabaseStorageControllerNG::buildQuery protected function Builds the query to load the entity. Overrides DatabaseStorageController::buildQuery 1
DatabaseStorageControllerNG::delete public function Overwrites \Drupal\Core\Entity\DatabaseStorageController::delete(). Overrides DatabaseStorageController::delete
DatabaseStorageControllerNG::mapFromStorageRecords protected function Maps from storage records to entity objects.
DatabaseStorageControllerNG::mapToRevisionStorageRecord protected function Maps from an entity object to the storage record of the revision table.
DatabaseStorageControllerNG::mapToStorageRecord protected function Maps from an entity object to the storage record of the base table.
DatabaseStorageControllerNG::save public function Overrides DatabaseStorageController::save(). Overrides DatabaseStorageController::save 1
DatabaseStorageControllerNG::savePropertyData protected function Stores the entity property language-aware data.
DatabaseStorageControllerNG::saveRevision protected function Saves an entity revision. Overrides DatabaseStorageController::saveRevision
DatabaseStorageControllerNG::__construct public function Overrides DatabaseStorageController::__construct(). Overrides DatabaseStorageController::__construct 1
EntityStorageControllerBase::$entityCache protected property Static cache of entities.
EntityStorageControllerBase::$entityInfo protected property Array of information about the entity.
EntityStorageControllerBase::$entityType protected property Entity type for this controller instance.
EntityStorageControllerBase::$hookLoadArguments protected property Additional arguments to pass to hook_TYPE_load().
EntityStorageControllerBase::$idKey protected property Name of the entity's ID field in the entity database table.
EntityStorageControllerBase::$uuidKey protected property Name of entity's UUID database table field, if it supports UUIDs. 1
EntityStorageControllerBase::cacheGet protected function Gets entities from the static cache.
EntityStorageControllerBase::cacheSet protected function Stores entities in the static entity cache.
EntityStorageControllerBase::loadUnchanged public function Loads an unchanged entity from the database. Overrides EntityStorageControllerInterface::loadUnchanged
EntityStorageControllerBase::resetCache public function Resets the internal, static entity cache. Overrides EntityStorageControllerInterface::resetCache 3
EntityStorageControllerInterface::getQueryServicename public function Gets the name of the service for the query for this entity storage. 1
NodeStorageController::attachLoad protected function Overrides Drupal\Core\Entity\DatabaseStorageControllerNG::attachLoad(). Overrides DatabaseStorageControllerNG::attachLoad
NodeStorageController::baseFieldDefinitions public function Overrides \Drupal\Core\Entity\DataBaseStorageControllerNG::basePropertyDefinitions(). Overrides DatabaseStorageController::baseFieldDefinitions
NodeStorageController::create public function Overrides Drupal\Core\Entity\DatabaseStorageController::create(). Overrides DatabaseStorageControllerNG::create
NodeStorageController::invokeHook protected function Overrides Drupal\Core\Entity\DatabaseStorageController::invokeHook(). Overrides DatabaseStorageControllerNG::invokeHook
NodeStorageController::mapToDataStorageRecord protected function Maps from an entity object to the storage record of the data table. Overrides DatabaseStorageControllerNG::mapToDataStorageRecord
NodeStorageController::postDelete protected function Overrides Drupal\Core\Entity\DatabaseStorageController::postDelete(). Overrides DatabaseStorageController::postDelete
NodeStorageController::postSave public function Overrides Drupal\Core\Entity\DatabaseStorageController::postSave(). Overrides DatabaseStorageController::postSave
NodeStorageController::preDelete public function Overrides Drupal\Core\Entity\DatabaseStorageController::preDelete(). Overrides DatabaseStorageController::preDelete
NodeStorageController::preSave protected function Overrides Drupal\Core\Entity\DatabaseStorageController::preSave(). Overrides DatabaseStorageController::preSave 1
NodeStorageController::preSaveRevision protected function Overrides Drupal\Core\Entity\DatabaseStorageController::preSaveRevision(). Overrides DatabaseStorageController::preSaveRevision