function simpletest_run_phpunit_tests

Executes phpunit tests and returns the results of the run.


$test_id: The current test ID.

$unescaped_test_classnames: An array of test class names, including full namespaces, to be passed as a regular expression to phpunit's --filter option.

Return value

array The parsed results of phpunit's junit xml output, in the format of the simpletest table's schema.

1 call to simpletest_run_phpunit_tests()
simpletest_run_tests in drupal/core/modules/simpletest/simpletest.module
Actually runs tests.


drupal/core/modules/simpletest/simpletest.module, line 180
Provides testing functionality.


function simpletest_run_phpunit_tests($test_id, array $unescaped_test_classnames) {
  $phpunit_file = simpletest_phpunit_xml_filepath($test_id);
  simpletest_phpunit_run_command($unescaped_test_classnames, $phpunit_file);
  return simpletest_phpunit_xml_to_rows($test_id, $phpunit_file);