protected function FieldPluginBase::addSelfTokens

Add any special tokens this field might use for itself.

This method is intended to be overridden by items that generate fields as a list. For example, the field that displays all terms on a node might have tokens for the tid and the term.

By convention, tokens should follow the format of [token-subtoken] where token is the field ID and subtoken is the field. If the field ID is terms, then the tokens might be [terms-tid] and [terms-name].

1 call to FieldPluginBase::addSelfTokens()
FieldPluginBase::getRenderTokens in drupal/core/modules/views/lib/Drupal/views/Plugin/views/field/FieldPluginBase.php
Get the 'render' tokens to use for advanced rendering.
4 methods override FieldPluginBase::addSelfTokens()
Field::addSelfTokens in drupal/core/modules/field/lib/Drupal/field/Plugin/views/field/Field.php
Add any special tokens this field might use for itself.
FieldTest::addSelfTokens in drupal/core/modules/views/tests/views_test_data/lib/Drupal/views_test_data/Plugin/views/field/FieldTest.php
Overrides Drupal\views\Plugin\views\field\FieldPluginBase::addSelfTokens().
Roles::addSelfTokens in drupal/core/modules/user/lib/Drupal/user/Plugin/views/field/Roles.php
Add any special tokens this field might use for itself.
TaxonomyIndexTid::addSelfTokens in drupal/core/modules/taxonomy/lib/Drupal/taxonomy/Plugin/views/field/TaxonomyIndexTid.php
Add any special tokens this field might use for itself.


drupal/core/modules/views/lib/Drupal/views/Plugin/views/field/FieldPluginBase.php, line 1576
Definition of Drupal\views\Plugin\views\field\FieldPluginBase.


Base field handler that has no options and renders an unformatted field.




protected function addSelfTokens(&$tokens, $item) {