function hook_views_ui_display_top_links_alter

Alter the links displayed at the top of the view edit form.


array $links: A renderable array of links which will be displayed at the top of the view edit form. Each entry will be in a form suitable for '#theme' => 'link'.

\Drupal\views\ViewExecutable $view: The view object being edited.

string $display_id: The ID of the display being edited, e.g. 'default' or 'page_1'.

See also


Related topics

1 invocation of hook_views_ui_display_top_links_alter()
ViewEditFormController::renderDisplayTop in drupal/core/modules/views_ui/lib/Drupal/views_ui/ViewEditFormController.php
Render the top of the display so it can be updated during ajax operations.


drupal/core/modules/views/views.api.php, line 591
Describes hooks and plugins provided by the Views module.


function hook_views_ui_display_top_links_alter(array &$links, ViewExecutable $view, $display_id) {

  // Put the export link first in the list.
  if (isset($links['export'])) {
    $links = array(
      'export' => $links['export'],
    ) + $links;