public static function PHPUnit_Util_XML::findNodes

Parse out the options from the tag using DOM object tree.

@since Method available since Release 3.3.0 @author Mike Naberezny <> @author Derek DeVries <> @author Tobias Schlitt <>


DOMDocument $dom:

array $options:

boolean $isHtml:

Return value


3 calls to PHPUnit_Util_XML::findNodes()
PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertNotTag in drupal/core/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/PHPUnit/Framework/Assert.php
This assertion is the exact opposite of assertTag().
PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertTag in drupal/core/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/PHPUnit/Framework/Assert.php
Evaluate an HTML or XML string and assert its structure and/or contents.
PHPUnit_Util_XML::cssSelect in drupal/core/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/PHPUnit/Util/XML.php
Parse an $actual document and return an array of DOMNodes matching the CSS $selector. If an error occurs, it will return FALSE.


drupal/core/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/PHPUnit/Util/XML.php, line 502


XML helpers.


public static function findNodes(DOMDocument $dom, array $options, $isHtml = TRUE) {
  $valid = array(
  $filtered = array();
  $options = self::assertValidKeys($options, $valid);

  // find the element by id
  if ($options['id']) {
    $options['attributes']['id'] = $options['id'];
  if ($options['class']) {
    $options['attributes']['class'] = $options['class'];

  // find the element by a tag type
  if ($options['tag']) {
    if ($isHtml) {
      $elements = self::getElementsByCaseInsensitiveTagName($dom, $options['tag']);
    else {
      $elements = $dom
    foreach ($elements as $element) {
      $nodes[] = $element;
    if (empty($nodes)) {
      return FALSE;
  else {
    $tags = array(
    foreach ($tags as $tag) {
      if ($isHtml) {
        $elements = self::getElementsByCaseInsensitiveTagName($dom, $tag);
      else {
        $elements = $dom
      foreach ($elements as $element) {
        $nodes[] = $element;
    if (empty($nodes)) {
      return FALSE;

  // filter by attributes
  if ($options['attributes']) {
    foreach ($nodes as $node) {
      $invalid = FALSE;
      foreach ($options['attributes'] as $name => $value) {

        // match by regexp if like "regexp:/foo/i"
        if (preg_match('/^regexp\\s*:\\s*(.*)/i', $value, $matches)) {
          if (!preg_match($matches[1], $node
            ->getAttribute($name))) {
            $invalid = TRUE;
        else {
          if ($name == 'class') {

            // split to individual classes
            $findClasses = explode(' ', preg_replace("/\\s+/", " ", $value));
            $allClasses = explode(' ', preg_replace("/\\s+/", " ", $node

            // make sure each class given is in the actual node
            foreach ($findClasses as $findClass) {
              if (!in_array($findClass, $allClasses)) {
                $invalid = TRUE;
          else {
            if ($node
              ->getAttribute($name) != $value) {
              $invalid = TRUE;

      // if every attribute given matched
      if (!$invalid) {
        $filtered[] = $node;
    $nodes = $filtered;
    $filtered = array();
    if (empty($nodes)) {
      return FALSE;

  // filter by content
  if ($options['content'] !== NULL) {
    foreach ($nodes as $node) {
      $invalid = FALSE;

      // match by regexp if like "regexp:/foo/i"
      if (preg_match('/^regexp\\s*:\\s*(.*)/i', $options['content'], $matches)) {
        if (!preg_match($matches[1], self::getNodeText($node))) {
          $invalid = TRUE;
      else {
        if ($options['content'] === '') {
          if (self::getNodeText($node) !== '') {
            $invalid = TRUE;
        else {
          if (strstr(self::getNodeText($node), $options['content']) === FALSE) {
            $invalid = TRUE;
      if (!$invalid) {
        $filtered[] = $node;
    $nodes = $filtered;
    $filtered = array();
    if (empty($nodes)) {
      return FALSE;

  // filter by parent node
  if ($options['parent']) {
    $parentNodes = self::findNodes($dom, $options['parent'], $isHtml);
    $parentNode = isset($parentNodes[0]) ? $parentNodes[0] : NULL;
    foreach ($nodes as $node) {
      if ($parentNode !== $node->parentNode) {
      $filtered[] = $node;
    $nodes = $filtered;
    $filtered = array();
    if (empty($nodes)) {
      return FALSE;

  // filter by child node
  if ($options['child']) {
    $childNodes = self::findNodes($dom, $options['child'], $isHtml);
    $childNodes = !empty($childNodes) ? $childNodes : array();
    foreach ($nodes as $node) {
      foreach ($node->childNodes as $child) {
        foreach ($childNodes as $childNode) {
          if ($childNode === $child) {
            $filtered[] = $node;
    $nodes = $filtered;
    $filtered = array();
    if (empty($nodes)) {
      return FALSE;

  // filter by ancestor
  if ($options['ancestor']) {
    $ancestorNodes = self::findNodes($dom, $options['ancestor'], $isHtml);
    $ancestorNode = isset($ancestorNodes[0]) ? $ancestorNodes[0] : NULL;
    foreach ($nodes as $node) {
      $parent = $node->parentNode;
      while ($parent && $parent->nodeType != XML_HTML_DOCUMENT_NODE) {
        if ($parent === $ancestorNode) {
          $filtered[] = $node;
        $parent = $parent->parentNode;
    $nodes = $filtered;
    $filtered = array();
    if (empty($nodes)) {
      return FALSE;

  // filter by descendant
  if ($options['descendant']) {
    $descendantNodes = self::findNodes($dom, $options['descendant'], $isHtml);
    $descendantNodes = !empty($descendantNodes) ? $descendantNodes : array();
    foreach ($nodes as $node) {
      foreach (self::getDescendants($node) as $descendant) {
        foreach ($descendantNodes as $descendantNode) {
          if ($descendantNode === $descendant) {
            $filtered[] = $node;
    $nodes = $filtered;
    $filtered = array();
    if (empty($nodes)) {
      return FALSE;

  // filter by children
  if ($options['children']) {
    $validChild = array(
    $childOptions = self::assertValidKeys($options['children'], $validChild);
    foreach ($nodes as $node) {
      $childNodes = $node->childNodes;
      foreach ($childNodes as $childNode) {
        if ($childNode->nodeType !== XML_CDATA_SECTION_NODE && $childNode->nodeType !== XML_TEXT_NODE) {
          $children[] = $childNode;

      // we must have children to pass this filter
      if (!empty($children)) {

        // exact count of children
        if ($childOptions['count'] !== NULL) {
          if (count($children) !== $childOptions['count']) {
        else {
          if ($childOptions['less_than'] !== NULL && $childOptions['greater_than'] !== NULL) {
            if (count($children) >= $childOptions['less_than'] || count($children) <= $childOptions['greater_than']) {
          else {
            if ($childOptions['less_than'] !== NULL) {
              if (count($children) >= $childOptions['less_than']) {
            else {
              if ($childOptions['greater_than'] !== NULL) {
                if (count($children) <= $childOptions['greater_than']) {

        // match each child against a specific tag
        if ($childOptions['only']) {
          $onlyNodes = self::findNodes($dom, $childOptions['only'], $isHtml);

          // try to match each child to one of the 'only' nodes
          foreach ($children as $child) {
            $matched = FALSE;
            foreach ($onlyNodes as $onlyNode) {
              if ($onlyNode === $child) {
                $matched = TRUE;
            if (!$matched) {
              break 2;
        $filtered[] = $node;
    $nodes = $filtered;
    $filtered = array();
    if (empty($nodes)) {

  // return the first node that matches all criteria
  return !empty($nodes) ? $nodes : array();