Determines which modules are implementing a hook.
$hook: The name of the hook (e.g. "help" or "menu").
An array with the names of the modules which are implementing this hook.
function module_implements($hook) {
// Use the advanced drupal_static() pattern, since this is called very often.
static $drupal_static_fast;
if (!isset($drupal_static_fast)) {
$drupal_static_fast['implementations'] =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__);
$implementations =& $drupal_static_fast['implementations'];
// Fetch implementations from cache.
if (empty($implementations)) {
$implementations = cache('bootstrap')
if ($implementations === FALSE) {
$implementations = array();
else {
$implementations = $implementations->data;
if (!isset($implementations[$hook])) {
// The hook is not cached, so ensure that whether or not it has
// implementations, that the cache is updated at the end of the request.
$implementations['#write_cache'] = TRUE;
$hook_info = module_hook_info();
$implementations[$hook] = array();
foreach (module_list() as $module) {
$include_file = isset($hook_info[$hook]['group']) && module_load_include('inc', $module, $module . '.' . $hook_info[$hook]['group']);
// Since module_hook() may needlessly try to load the include file again,
// function_exists() is used directly here.
if (function_exists($module . '_' . $hook)) {
$implementations[$hook][$module] = $include_file ? $hook_info[$hook]['group'] : FALSE;
// Allow modules to change the weight of specific implementations but avoid
// an infinite loop.
if ($hook != 'module_implements_alter') {
drupal_alter('module_implements', $implementations[$hook], $hook);
else {
foreach ($implementations[$hook] as $module => $group) {
// If this hook implementation is stored in a lazy-loaded file, so include
// that file first.
if ($group) {
module_load_include('inc', $module, "{$module}.{$group}");
// It is possible that a module removed a hook implementation without the
// implementations cache being rebuilt yet, so we check whether the
// function exists on each request to avoid undefined function errors.
// Since module_hook() may needlessly try to load the include file again,
// function_exists() is used directly here.
if (!function_exists($module . '_' . $hook)) {
// Clear out the stale implementation from the cache and force a cache
// refresh to forget about no longer existing hook implementations.
$implementations['#write_cache'] = TRUE;
return array_keys($implementations[$hook]);