Provides views data and handlers for action.module.


View source

 * @file
 * Provides views data and handlers for action.module.
 * @ingroup views_module_handlers

 * Implements hook_views_data().
 * @todo hook_views_data() is used instead of hook_views_data_alter(), because
 *   the alter hook doesn't load the * automatically.
function action_views_data() {
  $data['views']['action_bulk_form'] = array(
    'title' => t('Actions bulk form'),
    'help' => t('Add a form element that lets you apply actions to multiple items.'),
    'field' => array(
      'id' => 'action_bulk_form',
  return $data;

 * Implements hook_views_form_substitutions().
function action_views_form_substitutions() {

  // Views check_plains the column label, so by doing it matches for the
  // replacement.
  $select_all_placeholder = check_plain('<!--action-bulk-form-select-all-->');
  $select_all = array(
    '#type' => 'checkbox',
    '#default_value' => FALSE,
    '#attributes' => array(
      'class' => array(
  return array(
    $select_all_placeholder => drupal_render($select_all),

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