Invoke a field hook.
$op: Possible operations include:
$entity_type: The type of $entity; e.g. 'node' or 'user'.
Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity: The fully formed $entity_type entity.
$options: An associative array of additional options, with the following keys:
Internal use only. Do not explicitely set to TRUE, but use _field_invoke_default() instead.
function _field_invoke($op, $entity_type, EntityInterface $entity, &$a = NULL, &$b = NULL, $options = array()) {
// Merge default options.
$default_options = array(
'default' => FALSE,
'deleted' => FALSE,
'langcode' => NULL,
$options += $default_options;
// Determine the list of instances to iterate on.
$instances = _field_invoke_get_instances($entity_type, $entity
->bundle(), $options);
// Iterate through the instances and collect results.
$return = array();
foreach ($instances as $instance) {
// field_info_field() is not available for deleted fields, so use
// field_info_field_by_id().
$field = field_info_field_by_id($instance['field_id']);
$field_name = $field['field_name'];
$function = $options['default'] ? 'field_default_' . $op : $field['module'] . '_field_' . $op;
if (function_exists($function)) {
// Determine the list of languages to iterate on.
$available_langcodes = field_available_languages($entity_type, $field);
$langcodes = _field_language_suggestion($available_langcodes, $options['langcode'], $field_name);
foreach ($langcodes as $langcode) {
$items = isset($entity->{$field_name}[$langcode]) ? $entity->{$field_name}[$langcode] : array();
$result = $function($entity_type, $entity, $field, $instance, $langcode, $items, $a, $b);
if (isset($result)) {
// For hooks with array results, we merge results together.
// For hooks with scalar results, we collect results in an array.
if (is_array($result)) {
$return = array_merge($return, $result);
else {
$return[] = $result;
// Populate $items back in the field values, but avoid replacing missing
// fields with an empty array (those are not equivalent on update).
if ($items !== array() || isset($entity->{$field_name}[$langcode])) {
$entity->{$field_name}[$langcode] = $items;
return $return;