Definition of Drupal\field\Tests\FieldInstanceCrudTest.
* @file
* Definition of Drupal\field\Tests\FieldInstanceCrudTest.
namespace Drupal\field\Tests;
use Drupal\field\FieldException;
class FieldInstanceCrudTest extends FieldTestBase {
* Modules to enable.
* @var array
public static $modules = array(
protected $field;
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'Field instance CRUD tests',
'description' => 'Create field entities by attaching fields to entities.',
'group' => 'Field API',
function setUp() {
$this->field = array(
'field_name' => drupal_strtolower($this
'type' => 'test_field',
$this->instance_definition = array(
'field_name' => $this->field['field_name'],
'entity_type' => 'test_entity',
'bundle' => 'test_bundle',
// TODO : test creation with
// - a full fledged $instance structure, check that all the values are there
// - a minimal $instance structure, check all default values are set
// defer actual $instance comparison to a helper function, used for the two cases above,
// and for testUpdateFieldInstance
* Test the creation of a field instance.
function testCreateFieldInstance() {
// Read the raw record from the {field_config_instance} table.
$result = db_query('SELECT * FROM {field_config_instance} WHERE field_name = :field_name AND bundle = :bundle', array(
':field_name' => $this->instance_definition['field_name'],
':bundle' => $this->instance_definition['bundle'],
$record = $result
$record['data'] = unserialize($record['data']);
$field_type = field_info_field_types($this->field['type']);
$widget_type = field_info_widget_types($field_type['default_widget']);
$formatter_type = field_info_formatter_types($field_type['default_formatter']);
// Check that the ID key is filled in.
->assertIdentical($record['id'], $this->instance_definition['id'], 'The instance id is filled in');
// Check that default values are set.
->assertIdentical($record['data']['required'], FALSE, 'Required defaults to false.');
->assertIdentical($record['data']['label'], $this->instance_definition['field_name'], 'Label defaults to field name.');
->assertIdentical($record['data']['description'], '', 'Description defaults to empty string.');
->assertIdentical($record['data']['widget']['type'], $field_type['default_widget'], 'Default widget has been written.');
->assertTrue(isset($record['data']['display']['default']), 'Display for "full" view_mode has been written.');
->assertIdentical($record['data']['display']['default']['type'], $field_type['default_formatter'], 'Default formatter for "full" view_mode has been written.');
// Check that default settings are set.
->assertIdentical($record['data']['settings'], $field_type['instance_settings'], 'Default instance settings have been written.');
->assertIdentical($record['data']['widget']['settings'], $widget_type['settings'], 'Default widget settings have been written.');
->assertIdentical($record['data']['display']['default']['settings'], $formatter_type['settings'], 'Default formatter settings for "full" view_mode have been written.');
// Guarantee that the field/bundle combination is unique.
try {
->fail(t('Cannot create two instances with the same field / bundle combination.'));
} catch (FieldException $e) {
->pass(t('Cannot create two instances with the same field / bundle combination.'));
// Check that the specified field exists.
try {
$this->instance_definition['field_name'] = $this
->fail(t('Cannot create an instance of a non-existing field.'));
} catch (FieldException $e) {
->pass(t('Cannot create an instance of a non-existing field.'));
// Create a field restricted to a specific entity type.
$field_restricted = array(
'field_name' => drupal_strtolower($this
'type' => 'test_field',
'entity_types' => array(
// Check that an instance can be added to an entity type allowed
// by the field.
try {
$instance = $this->instance_definition;
$instance['field_name'] = $field_restricted['field_name'];
$instance['entity_type'] = 'test_cacheable_entity';
->pass(t('Can create an instance on an entity type allowed by the field.'));
} catch (FieldException $e) {
->fail(t('Can create an instance on an entity type allowed by the field.'));
// Check that an instance cannot be added to an entity type
// forbidden by the field.
try {
$instance = $this->instance_definition;
$instance['field_name'] = $field_restricted['field_name'];
->fail(t('Cannot create an instance on an entity type forbidden by the field.'));
} catch (FieldException $e) {
->pass(t('Cannot create an instance on an entity type forbidden by the field.'));
// TODO: test other failures.
* Test reading back an instance definition.
function testReadFieldInstance() {
// Read the instance back.
$instance = field_read_instance('test_entity', $this->instance_definition['field_name'], $this->instance_definition['bundle']);
->assertTrue($this->instance_definition == $instance, 'The field was properly read.');
* Test the update of a field instance.
function testUpdateFieldInstance() {
$field_type = field_info_field_types($this->field['type']);
// Check that basic changes are saved.
$instance = field_read_instance('test_entity', $this->instance_definition['field_name'], $this->instance_definition['bundle']);
$instance['required'] = !$instance['required'];
$instance['label'] = $this
$instance['description'] = $this
$instance['settings']['test_instance_setting'] = $this
$instance['widget']['settings']['test_widget_setting'] = $this
$instance['display']['default']['settings']['test_formatter_setting'] = $this
$instance_new = field_read_instance('test_entity', $this->instance_definition['field_name'], $this->instance_definition['bundle']);
->assertEqual($instance['required'], $instance_new['required'], '"required" change is saved');
->assertEqual($instance['label'], $instance_new['label'], '"label" change is saved');
->assertEqual($instance['description'], $instance_new['description'], '"description" change is saved');
->assertEqual($instance['widget']['settings']['test_widget_setting'], $instance_new['widget']['settings']['test_widget_setting'], 'Widget setting change is saved');
->assertEqual($instance['widget']['weight'], $instance_new['widget']['weight'], 'Widget weight change is saved');
->assertEqual($instance['display']['default']['settings']['test_formatter_setting'], $instance_new['display']['default']['settings']['test_formatter_setting'], 'Formatter setting change is saved');
->assertEqual($instance['display']['default']['weight'], $instance_new['display']['default']['weight'], 'Widget weight change is saved');
// Check that changing widget and formatter types updates the default settings.
$instance = field_read_instance('test_entity', $this->instance_definition['field_name'], $this->instance_definition['bundle']);
$instance['widget']['type'] = 'test_field_widget_multiple';
$instance['display']['default']['type'] = 'field_test_multiple';
$instance_new = field_read_instance('test_entity', $this->instance_definition['field_name'], $this->instance_definition['bundle']);
->assertEqual($instance['widget']['type'], $instance_new['widget']['type'], 'Widget type change is saved.');
$settings = field_info_widget_settings($instance_new['widget']['type']);
->assertIdentical($settings, array_intersect_key($instance_new['widget']['settings'], $settings), 'Widget type change updates default settings.');
->assertEqual($instance['display']['default']['type'], $instance_new['display']['default']['type'], 'Formatter type change is saved.');
$info = field_info_formatter_types($instance_new['display']['default']['type']);
$settings = $info['settings'];
->assertIdentical($settings, array_intersect_key($instance_new['display']['default']['settings'], $settings), 'Changing formatter type updates default settings.');
// Check that adding a new view mode is saved and gets default settings.
$instance = field_read_instance('test_entity', $this->instance_definition['field_name'], $this->instance_definition['bundle']);
$instance['display']['teaser'] = array();
$instance_new = field_read_instance('test_entity', $this->instance_definition['field_name'], $this->instance_definition['bundle']);
->assertTrue(isset($instance_new['display']['teaser']), 'Display for the new view_mode has been written.');
->assertIdentical($instance_new['display']['teaser']['type'], $field_type['default_formatter'], 'Default formatter for the new view_mode has been written.');
$info = field_info_formatter_types($instance_new['display']['teaser']['type']);
$settings = $info['settings'];
->assertIdentical($settings, $instance_new['display']['teaser']['settings'], 'Default formatter settings for the new view_mode have been written.');
// TODO: test failures.
* Test the deletion of a field instance.
function testDeleteFieldInstance() {
// TODO: Test deletion of the data stored in the field also.
// Need to check that data for a 'deleted' field / instance doesn't get loaded
// Need to check data marked deleted is cleaned on cron (not implemented yet...)
// Create two instances for the same field so we can test that only one
// is deleted.
$this->another_instance_definition = $this->instance_definition;
$this->another_instance_definition['bundle'] .= '_another_bundle';
$instance = field_create_instance($this->another_instance_definition);
// Test that the first instance is not deleted, and then delete it.
$instance = field_read_instance('test_entity', $this->instance_definition['field_name'], $this->instance_definition['bundle'], array(
'include_deleted' => TRUE,
->assertTrue(!empty($instance) && empty($instance['deleted']), 'A new field instance is not marked for deletion.');
// Make sure the instance is marked as deleted when the instance is
// specifically loaded.
$instance = field_read_instance('test_entity', $this->instance_definition['field_name'], $this->instance_definition['bundle'], array(
'include_deleted' => TRUE,
->assertTrue(!empty($instance['deleted']), 'A deleted field instance is marked for deletion.');
// Try to load the instance normally and make sure it does not show up.
$instance = field_read_instance('test_entity', $this->instance_definition['field_name'], $this->instance_definition['bundle']);
->assertTrue(empty($instance), 'A deleted field instance is not loaded by default.');
// Make sure the other field instance is not deleted.
$another_instance = field_read_instance('test_entity', $this->another_instance_definition['field_name'], $this->another_instance_definition['bundle']);
->assertTrue(!empty($another_instance) && empty($another_instance['deleted']), 'A non-deleted field instance is not marked for deletion.');
// Make sure the field is deleted when its last instance is deleted.
$field = field_read_field($another_instance['field_name'], array(
'include_deleted' => TRUE,
->assertTrue(!empty($field['deleted']), 'A deleted field is marked for deletion after all its instances have been marked for deletion.');
Name | Description |
FieldInstanceCrudTest |