public function FileUsageInterface::delete

Removes a record to indicate that a module is no longer using a file.


Drupal\file\File $file: A file entity.

string $module: The name of the module using the file.

string $type: (optional) The type of the object that contains the referenced file. May be omitted if all module references to a file are being deleted. Defaults to NULL.

int $id: (optional) The unique, numeric ID of the object containing the referenced file. May be omitted if all module references to a file are being deleted. Defaults to NULL.

int $count: (optional) The number of references to delete from the object. Defaults to 1. Zero may be specified to delete all references to the file within a specific object.

1 method overrides FileUsageInterface::delete()
FileUsageBase::delete in drupal/core/modules/file/lib/Drupal/file/FileUsage/FileUsageBase.php
Implements Drupal\file\FileUsage\FileUsageInterface::delete().


drupal/core/modules/file/lib/Drupal/file/FileUsage/FileUsageInterface.php, line 60
Definition of Drupal\file\FileUsage\FileUsageInterface.


File usage backend interface.




public function delete(File $file, $module, $type = NULL, $id = NULL, $count = 1);