function locale_translation_source_build

2 calls to locale_translation_source_build()
locale_translation_check_projects_batch in drupal/core/modules/locale/
Gets and stores the status and timestamp of remote po files.
locale_translation_check_projects_local in drupal/core/modules/locale/
Check and store the status and timestamp of local po files.


drupal/core/modules/locale/, line 471
The API for comparing project translation status with available translation.


function locale_translation_source_build($project, $langcode, $filename = NULL) {

  // Create a source object with data of the project object.
  $source = clone $project;
  $source->project = $project->name;
  $source->language = $langcode;
  $filename = $filename ? $filename : config('locale.settings')

  // If the server_pattern contains a remote file path we will check for a
  // remote file. The local version of this file will will only be checked is a
  // translations directory has been defined. If the server_pattern is a local
  // file path we will only check for a file in the local file system.
  $files = array();
  if (_locale_translation_file_is_remote($source->server_pattern)) {
    $files['remote'] = (object) array(
      'type' => 'remote',
      'filename' => locale_translation_build_server_pattern($source, basename($source->server_pattern)),
      'url' => locale_translation_build_server_pattern($source, $source->server_pattern),
    if (variable_get('locale_translate_file_directory', conf_path() . '/files/translations')) {
      $files['local'] = (object) array(
        'type' => 'local',
        'directory' => 'translations://',
        'filename' => locale_translation_build_server_pattern($source, $filename),
  else {
    $files['local'] = (object) array(
      'type' => 'local',
      'directory' => locale_translation_build_server_pattern($source, drupal_dirname($source->server_pattern)),
      'filename' => locale_translation_build_server_pattern($source, basename($source->server_pattern)),
  $source->files = $files;
  return $source;