
Definition of Drupal\system\Tests\Upgrade\FilledStandardUpgradePathTest.




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 * @file
 * Definition of Drupal\system\Tests\Upgrade\FilledStandardUpgradePathTest.
namespace Drupal\system\Tests\Upgrade;

 * Performs major version release upgrade tests on a populated database.
 * Loads an installation of Drupal 7.x and runs the upgrade process on it.
 * The install contains the standard profile (plus all optional) modules
 * with generated content so that an update from any of the modules under this
 * profile installation can be wholly tested.
class FilledStandardUpgradePathTest extends UpgradePathTestBase {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Basic standard + all profile upgrade path, populated database',
      'description' => 'Basic upgrade path tests for a standard profile install with all enabled modules and a populated database.',
      'group' => 'Upgrade path',
  public function setUp() {

    // Path to the database dump files.
    $this->databaseDumpFiles = array(
      drupal_get_path('module', 'system') . '/tests/upgrade/drupal-7.filled.standard_all.database.php.gz',
      drupal_get_path('module', 'system') . '/tests/upgrade/drupal-7.user_data.database.php',

   * Tests a successful point release update.
  public function testFilledStandardUpgrade() {
      ->performUpgrade(), 'The upgrade was completed successfully.');

    // Hit the frontpage.

    // Verify that the former Navigation system menu block appears as Tools.

    // Verify that the Account menu still appears as secondary links source.
      ->assertText(t('My account'));
      ->assertText(t('Log out'));

    // Verify the the Main menu still appears as primary links source.

    // Verify that we are still logged in.
      ->getUrl(), url('user/1/edit', array(
      'absolute' => TRUE,
    )), 'We are still logged in as admin at the end of the upgrade.');

    // Logout and verify that we can login back in with our initial password.
      ->drupalLogin((object) array(
      'uid' => 1,
      'name' => 'admin',
      'pass_raw' => 'drupal',

    // The previous login should've triggered a password rehash, so login one
    // more time to make sure the new hash is readable.
      ->drupalLogin((object) array(
      'uid' => 1,
      'name' => 'admin',
      'pass_raw' => 'drupal',

    // Test that the site name is correctly displayed.
      ->assertText('drupal', 'The site name is correctly displayed.');

    // Verify that the main admin sections are available.

    // Confirm that no {menu_links} entry exists for user/autocomplete.
    $result = db_query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {menu_links} WHERE link_path = :user_autocomplete', array(
      ':user_autocomplete' => 'user/autocomplete',
      ->assertFalse($result, 'No {menu_links} entry exists for user/autocomplete');

    // Verify that the blog node type has been assigned to node module.
    $blog_type = node_type_load('blog');
      ->assertEqual($blog_type->module, 'node', "Content type 'blog' has been reassigned from the blog module to the node module.");
      ->assertEqual($blog_type->base, 'node_content', "The base string used to construct callbacks corresponding to content type 'Blog' has been reassigned to 'node_content'.");

    // Check that user data has been migrated correctly.
    $query = db_query('SELECT * FROM {users_data}');
    $userdata = array();
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($query as $row) {
      $userdata[$row->uid][$row->module][$row->name] = $row;

    // Check that the correct amount of rows exist.
      ->assertEqual($i, 5);

    // Check that the data has been converted correctly.
      ->assertEqual(unserialize($userdata[1]['contact']['enabled']->value), 1);
      ->assertEqual($userdata[1]['contact']['enabled']->serialized, 1);
      ->assertEqual(unserialize($userdata[2]['contact']['enabled']->value), 0);
      ->assertEqual(unserialize($userdata[1]['overlay']['enabled']->value), 1);
      ->assertEqual(unserialize($userdata[2]['overlay']['enabled']->value), 1);
      ->assertEqual(unserialize($userdata[1]['overlay']['message_dismissed']->value), 1);

    // Make sure that only the garbage is remaining in the helper table.
      ->assertEqual(db_query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {_d7_users_data}')
      ->fetchField(), 2);



Namesort ascending Description
FilledStandardUpgradePathTest Performs major version release upgrade tests on a populated database.