function taxonomy_allowed_values

Returns the set of valid terms for a taxonomy field.


$field: The field definition.

$instance: The instance definition. It is recommended to only use instance level properties to filter out values from a list defined by field level properties.

$entity_type: The entity type the field is attached to.

$entity: The entity object the field is attached to, or NULL if no entity exists (e.g. in field settings page).

Return value

The array of valid terms for this field, keyed by term id.

1 string reference to 'taxonomy_allowed_values'
taxonomy_options_list in drupal/core/modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.module
Implements hook_options_list().


drupal/core/modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.module, line 1211
Enables the organization of content into categories.


function taxonomy_allowed_values($field, $instance, $entity_type, $entity) {
  $options = array();
  foreach ($field['settings']['allowed_values'] as $tree) {
    if ($vocabulary = taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name_load($tree['vocabulary'])) {
      if ($terms = taxonomy_get_tree($vocabulary->vid, $tree['parent'], NULL, TRUE)) {
        foreach ($terms as $term) {
          $options[$term->tid] = str_repeat('-', $term->depth) . $term
  return $options;