class MysqlProfilerStorage

A ProfilerStorage for Mysql

@author Jan Schumann <>


Expanded class hierarchy of MysqlProfilerStorage


drupal/core/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Symfony/Component/HttpKernel/Profiler/MysqlProfilerStorage.php, line 19


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class MysqlProfilerStorage extends PdoProfilerStorage {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function initDb() {
    if (null === $this->db) {
      if (0 !== strpos($this->dsn, 'mysql')) {
        throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Please check your configuration. You are trying to use Mysql with an invalid dsn "%s". The expected format is "mysql:dbname=database_name;host=host_name".', $this->dsn));
      if (!class_exists('PDO') || !in_array('mysql', \PDO::getAvailableDrivers(), true)) {
        throw new \RuntimeException('You need to enable PDO_Mysql extension for the profiler to run properly.');
      $db = new \PDO($this->dsn, $this->username, $this->password);
        ->exec('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS sf_profiler_data (token VARCHAR(255) PRIMARY KEY, data LONGTEXT, ip VARCHAR(64), method VARCHAR(6), url VARCHAR(255), time INTEGER UNSIGNED, parent VARCHAR(255), created_at INTEGER UNSIGNED, KEY (created_at), KEY (ip), KEY (method), KEY (url), KEY (parent))');
      $this->db = $db;
    return $this->db;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function buildCriteria($ip, $url, $limit, $method) {
    $criteria = array();
    $args = array();
    if ($ip = preg_replace('/[^\\d\\.]/', '', $ip)) {
      $criteria[] = 'ip LIKE :ip';
      $args[':ip'] = '%' . $ip . '%';
    if ($url) {
      $criteria[] = 'url LIKE :url';
      $args[':url'] = '%' . addcslashes($url, '%_\\') . '%';
    if ($method) {
      $criteria[] = 'method = :method';
      $args[':method'] = $method;
    return array(



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
MysqlProfilerStorage::buildCriteria protected function Build SQL criteria to fetch records by ip and url Overrides PdoProfilerStorage::buildCriteria
MysqlProfilerStorage::initDb protected function Initializes the database Overrides PdoProfilerStorage::initDb
PdoProfilerStorage::$db protected property
PdoProfilerStorage::$dsn protected property
PdoProfilerStorage::$lifetime protected property
PdoProfilerStorage::$password protected property
PdoProfilerStorage::$username protected property
PdoProfilerStorage::cleanup protected function
PdoProfilerStorage::close protected function 1
PdoProfilerStorage::createProfileFromData protected function
PdoProfilerStorage::exec protected function 1
PdoProfilerStorage::fetch protected function 1
PdoProfilerStorage::find public function Finds profiler tokens for the given criteria. Overrides ProfilerStorageInterface::find
PdoProfilerStorage::has protected function Returns whether data for the given token already exists in storage.
PdoProfilerStorage::prepareStatement protected function
PdoProfilerStorage::purge public function Purges all data from the database. Overrides ProfilerStorageInterface::purge
PdoProfilerStorage::read public function Reads data associated with the given token. Overrides ProfilerStorageInterface::read
PdoProfilerStorage::readChildren protected function Reads the child profiles for the given token.
PdoProfilerStorage::write public function Saves a Profile. Overrides ProfilerStorageInterface::write
PdoProfilerStorage::__construct public function Constructor.