class KernelForTest


Expanded class hierarchy of KernelForTest

1 file declares its use of KernelForTest
KernelTest.php in drupal/core/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Symfony/Component/HttpKernel/Tests/KernelTest.php


drupal/core/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Symfony/Component/HttpKernel/Tests/Fixtures/KernelForTest.php, line 17


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class KernelForTest extends Kernel {
  public function getBundleMap() {
    return $this->bundleMap;
  public function registerBundles() {
  public function init() {
  public function registerBundleDirs() {
  public function registerContainerConfiguration(LoaderInterface $loader) {
  public function initializeBundles() {
  public function isBooted() {
    return $this->booted;
  public function setIsBooted($value) {
    $this->booted = (bool) $value;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
HttpKernelInterface::MASTER_REQUEST constant
HttpKernelInterface::SUB_REQUEST constant
Kernel::$booted protected property
Kernel::$bundleMap protected property
Kernel::$bundles protected property
Kernel::$classes protected property
Kernel::$container protected property
Kernel::$debug protected property
Kernel::$environment protected property
Kernel::$errorReportingLevel protected property
Kernel::$name protected property 1
Kernel::$rootDir protected property
Kernel::$startTime protected property
Kernel::boot public function Boots the current kernel. Overrides KernelInterface::boot 1
Kernel::buildContainer protected function Builds the service container. 1
Kernel::dumpContainer protected function Dumps the service container to PHP code in the cache.
Kernel::EXTRA_VERSION constant
Kernel::getBundle public function Returns a bundle and optionally its descendants by its name. Overrides KernelInterface::getBundle
Kernel::getBundles public function Gets the registered bundle instances. Overrides KernelInterface::getBundles 1
Kernel::getCacheDir public function Gets the cache directory. Overrides KernelInterface::getCacheDir
Kernel::getCharset public function Gets the charset of the application. Overrides KernelInterface::getCharset
Kernel::getContainer public function Gets the current container. Overrides KernelInterface::getContainer
Kernel::getContainerBaseClass protected function Gets the container's base class.
Kernel::getContainerBuilder protected function Gets a new ContainerBuilder instance used to build the service container. 1
Kernel::getContainerClass protected function Gets the container class.
Kernel::getContainerLoader protected function Returns a loader for the container.
Kernel::getEnvironment public function Gets the environment. Overrides KernelInterface::getEnvironment
Kernel::getEnvParameters protected function Gets the environment parameters.
Kernel::getHttpKernel protected function Gets a http kernel from the container
Kernel::getKernelParameters protected function Returns the kernel parameters.
Kernel::getLogDir public function Gets the log directory. Overrides KernelInterface::getLogDir
Kernel::getName public function Gets the name of the kernel Overrides KernelInterface::getName 1
Kernel::getRootDir public function Gets the application root dir. Overrides KernelInterface::getRootDir
Kernel::getStartTime public function Gets the request start time (not available if debug is disabled). Overrides KernelInterface::getStartTime
Kernel::handle public function @api Overrides HttpKernelInterface::handle
Kernel::initializeContainer protected function Initializes the service container. 1
Kernel::isClassInActiveBundle public function Checks if a given class name belongs to an active bundle. Overrides KernelInterface::isClassInActiveBundle
Kernel::isDebug public function Checks if debug mode is enabled. Overrides KernelInterface::isDebug
Kernel::loadClassCache public function Loads the PHP class cache.
Kernel::locateResource public function Returns the file path for a given resource. Overrides KernelInterface::locateResource
Kernel::MAJOR_VERSION constant
Kernel::MINOR_VERSION constant
Kernel::RELEASE_VERSION constant
Kernel::serialize public function
Kernel::setClassCache public function Used internally.
Kernel::shutdown public function Shutdowns the kernel. Overrides KernelInterface::shutdown
Kernel::stripComments public static function Removes comments from a PHP source string.
Kernel::terminate public function @api Overrides TerminableInterface::terminate
Kernel::unserialize public function
Kernel::VERSION constant
Kernel::VERSION_ID constant
Kernel::__clone public function
Kernel::__construct public function Constructor. 1
KernelForTest::getBundleMap public function
KernelForTest::init public function Overrides Kernel::init
KernelForTest::initializeBundles public function Initializes the data structures related to the bundle management. Overrides Kernel::initializeBundles
KernelForTest::isBooted public function
KernelForTest::registerBundleDirs public function
KernelForTest::registerBundles public function Returns an array of bundles to registers. Overrides KernelInterface::registerBundles
KernelForTest::registerContainerConfiguration public function Loads the container configuration Overrides KernelInterface::registerContainerConfiguration
KernelForTest::setIsBooted public function