
Primary tabs

Name Location Description Direct usessort descending Strings
drupal_get_installed_schema_version drupal/core/includes/ Returns the currently installed schema version for a module. 14
drupal_get_schema_unprocessed drupal/core/includes/ Returns the unprocessed and unaltered version of a module's schema. 14
drupal_json_decode drupal/core/includes/ Converts an HTML-safe JSON string into its PHP equivalent. 14
drupal_explode_tags drupal/core/includes/ Explodes a string of tags into an array. 14
drupal_theme_initialize drupal/core/includes/ Initialize the theme system by loading the theme. 14
views_get_handler drupal/core/modules/views/views.module Fetch a handler from the data cache. 14
field_read_fields drupal/core/modules/field/ Reads in fields that match an array of conditions. 14
field_read_instance drupal/core/modules/field/ Reads a single instance record from the database. 14
field_read_instances drupal/core/modules/field/ Reads in field instances that match an array of conditions. 14
field_available_languages drupal/core/modules/field/ Collects the available language codes for the given entity type and field. 14 2
field_form_get_state drupal/core/modules/field/ Retrieves processing information about a field from $form_state. 14
field_attach_insert drupal/core/modules/field/ Save field data for a new entity. 14
search_update_totals drupal/core/modules/search/search.module Updates the {search_total} database table. 14 1
node_load_multiple drupal/core/modules/node/node.module Loads node entities from the database. 14
node_view drupal/core/modules/node/node.module Generates an array for rendering the given node. 14
taxonomy_get_tree drupal/core/modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.module Create a hierarchical representation of a vocabulary. 14 2
filter_formats drupal/core/modules/filter/filter.module Retrieves a list of text formats, ordered by weight. 14 2
_field_sql_storage_columnname drupal/core/modules/field/modules/field_sql_storage/field_sql_storage.module Generates a column name for a field data table. 14
drupal_load drupal/core/includes/ Includes a file with the provided type and name. 15
db_like drupal/core/includes/ Escapes characters that work as wildcard characters in a LIKE pattern. 15
drupal_get_css drupal/core/includes/ Returns a themed representation of all stylesheets to attach to the page. 15
drupal_clean_css_identifier drupal/core/includes/ Prepares a string for use as a CSS identifier (element, class, or ID name). 15 1
image_get_info drupal/core/includes/ Gets details about an image. 15
form_get_errors drupal/core/includes/ Returns an associative array of all errors. 15
module_disable drupal/core/includes/ Disables a given set of modules. 15
shortcut_set_load drupal/core/modules/shortcut/shortcut.module Loads the data for a shortcut set. 15
user_role_change_permissions drupal/core/modules/user/user.module Change permissions for a user role. 15
taxonomy_term_save drupal/core/modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.module Saves a term object to the database. 15
filter_fallback_format drupal/core/modules/filter/filter.module Returns the ID of the fallback text format that all users have access to. 15
file_default_scheme drupal/core/includes/ Gets the default file stream implementation. 16 14
file_unmanaged_copy drupal/core/includes/ Copies a file to a new location without invoking the file API. 16
language_multilingual drupal/core/includes/ Returns TRUE if there is more than one language enabled. 16
language_default drupal/core/includes/ Returns the default language used on the site. 16 7
_form_set_attributes drupal/core/includes/ Sets a form element's class attribute. 16
drupal_save_session drupal/core/includes/ Determines whether to save session data of the current request. 17
db_or drupal/core/includes/ Returns a new DatabaseCondition, set to "OR" all conditions together. 17
format_size drupal/core/includes/ Generates a string representation for the given byte count. 17
drupal_html_class drupal/core/includes/ Prepares a string for use as a valid class name. 17
drupal_html_id drupal/core/includes/ Prepares a string for use as a valid HTML ID and guarantees uniqueness. 17 2
field_read_field drupal/core/modules/field/ Reads a single field record directly from the database. 17
field_cache_clear drupal/core/modules/field/field.module Clears the field info and field data caches. 17
field_info_cache_clear drupal/core/modules/field/ Clears the field info cache without clearing the field data cache. 17
node_type_get_types drupal/core/modules/node/node.module Returns a list of all the available node types. 17
user_roles drupal/core/modules/user/user.module Retrieve an array of roles matching specified conditions. 17 1
taxonomy_vocabulary_get_names drupal/core/modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.module Get names for all taxonomy vocabularies. 17 1
drupal_unlink drupal/core/includes/ Deletes a file. 18
db_table_exists drupal/core/includes/ Checks if a table exists. 18
db_drop_table drupal/core/includes/ Drops a table. 18
drupal_add_tabledrag drupal/core/includes/ Assists in adding the tableDrag JavaScript behavior to a themed table. 18
user_load_by_name drupal/core/modules/user/user.module Fetches a user object by account name. 18


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