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/** @mainpage Developer Documentation
 * Welcome to the Drupal developer's documentation. Newcomers to Drupal
 * development should read the conceptual information provided in the
 * "A few components of Drupal" section below, and then proceed to examine
 * one of the heavily-documented example modules below. The examples are
 * fully-functioning Drupal modules, so you can download them from the
 * contributions repository and alter them as you experiment.
 * - A few components of Drupal
 *   - @link hooks Module system (Drupal hooks) @endlink
 *   - @link database Database abstraction layer @endlink
 *   - @link menu Menu system @endlink
 *   - @link form_api Form generation @endlink
 *   - @link file File upload system @endlink
 *   - @link field Field API @endlink
 *   - @link search Search system @endlink
 *   - @link node_access Node access system @endlink
 *   - @link themeable Theme system @endlink
 *   - @link /api/constants/7 Constants @endlink
 *   - @link /api/globals/7 Global variables @endlink
 * - @link examples.index.php Example modules @endlink
 * - In-depth discussions
 *   - @link forms_api_reference.html Form API Reference @endlink
 * - More documentation on the Drupal 7 APIs
 *   - @link Working with the Drupal API @endlink