Adds a cascading stylesheet to the stylesheet queue.
Calling drupal_static_reset('drupal_add_css') will clear all cascading stylesheets added so far.
If CSS aggregation/compression is enabled, all cascading style sheets added with $options['preprocess'] set to TRUE will be merged into one aggregate file and compressed by removing all extraneous white space. Preprocessed inline stylesheets will not be aggregated into this single file; instead, they are just compressed upon output on the page. Externally hosted stylesheets are never aggregated or compressed.
The reason for aggregating the files is outlined quite thoroughly here: "Load fewer external objects. Due to request overhead, one bigger file just loads faster than two smaller ones half its size."
$options['preprocess'] should be only set to TRUE when a file is required for all typical visitors and most pages of a site. It is critical that all preprocessed files are added unconditionally on every page, even if the files do not happen to be needed on a page. This is normally done by calling drupal_add_css() in a hook_init() implementation.
Non-preprocessed files should only be added to the page when they are actually needed.
$data: (optional) The stylesheet data to be added, depending on what is passed through to the $options['type'] parameter:
$options: (optional) A string defining the 'type' of CSS that is being added in the $data parameter ('file', 'inline', or 'external'), or an array which can have any or all of the following keys:
The group number serves as a weight: the markup for loading a stylesheet within a lower weight group is output to the page before the markup for loading a stylesheet within a higher weight group, so CSS within higher weight groups take precendence over CSS within lower weight groups.
An array of queued cascading stylesheets.
function drupal_add_css($data = NULL, $options = NULL) {
$css =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, array());
$count =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__ . '_count', 0);
// If the $css variable has been reset with drupal_static_reset(), there is
// no longer any CSS being tracked, so set the counter back to 0 also.
if (count($css) === 0) {
$count = 0;
// Construct the options, taking the defaults into consideration.
if (isset($options)) {
if (!is_array($options)) {
$options = array(
'type' => $options,
else {
$options = array();
// Create an array of CSS files for each media type first, since each type needs to be served
// to the browser differently.
if (isset($data)) {
$options += array(
'type' => 'file',
'group' => CSS_DEFAULT,
'weight' => 0,
'every_page' => FALSE,
'media' => 'all',
'preprocess' => TRUE,
'data' => $data,
'browsers' => array(),
$options['browsers'] += array(
'IE' => TRUE,
'!IE' => TRUE,
// Files with a query string cannot be preprocessed.
if ($options['type'] === 'file' && $options['preprocess'] && strpos($options['data'], '?') !== FALSE) {
$options['preprocess'] = FALSE;
// Always add a tiny value to the weight, to conserve the insertion order.
$options['weight'] += $count / 1000;
// Add the data to the CSS array depending on the type.
switch ($options['type']) {
case 'inline':
// For inline stylesheets, we don't want to use the $data as the array
// key as $data could be a very long string of CSS.
$css[] = $options;
// Local and external files must keep their name as the associative key
// so the same CSS file is not be added twice.
$css[$data] = $options;
return $css;