function format_username

Format a username.

This is also the label callback implementation of callback_entity_info_label() for user_entity_info().

By default, the passed-in object's 'name' property is used if it exists, or else, the site-defined value for the 'anonymous' variable. However, a module may override this by implementing hook_username_alter(&$name, $account).


$account: The account object for the user whose name is to be formatted.

Return value

An unsanitized string with the username to display. The code receiving this result must ensure that check_plain() is called on it before it is printed to the page.

See also


Related topics

31 calls to format_username()
BlogTestCase::testBlogPageNoEntries in drupal/modules/blog/blog.test
View the blog of a user with no blog entries as another user.
BlogTestCase::testUnprivilegedUser in drupal/modules/blog/blog.test
Confirm that the "You are not allowed to post a new blog entry." message shows up if a user submitted blog entries, has been denied that permission, and goes to the blog page.
BlogTestCase::verifyBlogLinks in drupal/modules/blog/blog.test
Verify the blog links are displayed to the logged in user.
BlogTestCase::verifyBlogs in drupal/modules/blog/blog.test
Verify the logged in user has the desired access to the various blog nodes.
blog_feed_user in drupal/modules/blog/
Menu callback; displays an RSS feed containing recent blog entries of a given user.

... See full list

1 string reference to 'format_username'
user_entity_info in drupal/modules/user/user.module
Implements hook_entity_info().


drupal/includes/, line 2160
Common functions that many Drupal modules will need to reference.


function format_username($account) {
  $name = !empty($account->name) ? $account->name : variable_get('anonymous', t('Anonymous'));
  drupal_alter('username', $name, $account);
  return $name;