Retrieves contextual links for a path based on registered local tasks.
This leverages the menu system to retrieve the first layer of registered local tasks for a given system path. All local tasks of the tab type MENU_CONTEXT_INLINE are taken into account.
For example, when considering the following registered local tasks:
If the path "node/123" is passed to this function, then it will return the links for 'edit' and 'report-as-spam'.
$module: The name of the implementing module. This is used to prefix the key for each contextual link, which is transformed into a CSS class during rendering by theme_links(). For example, if $module is 'block' and the retrieved local task path argument is 'edit', then the resulting CSS class will be 'block-edit'.
$parent_path: The static menu router path of the object to retrieve local tasks for, for example 'node' or 'admin/structure/block/manage'.
$args: A list of dynamic path arguments to append to $parent_path to form the fully-qualified menu router path; for example, array(123) for a certain node or array('system', 'navigation') for a certain block.
A list of menu router items that are local tasks for the passed-in path.
function menu_contextual_links($module, $parent_path, $args) {
static $path_empty = array();
$links = array();
// Performance: In case a previous invocation for the same parent path did not
// return any links, we immediately return here.
if (isset($path_empty[$parent_path]) && strpos($parent_path, '%') !== FALSE) {
return $links;
// Construct the item-specific parent path.
$path = $parent_path . '/' . implode('/', $args);
// Get the router item for the given parent link path.
$router_item = menu_get_item($path);
if (!$router_item || !$router_item['access']) {
$path_empty[$parent_path] = TRUE;
return $links;
$data =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, array());
$root_path = $router_item['path'];
// Performance: For a single, normalized path (such as 'node/%') we only query
// available tasks once per request.
if (!isset($data[$root_path])) {
// Get all contextual links that are direct children of the router item and
// not of the tab type 'view'.
$data[$root_path] = db_select('menu_router', 'm')
->condition('tab_parent', $router_item['tab_root'])
->condition('context', MENU_CONTEXT_NONE, '<>')
->condition('context', MENU_CONTEXT_PAGE, '<>')
->fetchAllAssoc('path', PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$parent_length = drupal_strlen($root_path) + 1;
$map = $router_item['original_map'];
foreach ($data[$root_path] as $item) {
// Extract the actual "task" string from the path argument.
$key = drupal_substr($item['path'], $parent_length);
// Denormalize and translate the contextual link.
_menu_translate($item, $map, TRUE);
if (!$item['access']) {
// All contextual links are keyed by the actual "task" path argument,
// prefixed with the name of the implementing module.
$links[$module . '-' . $key] = $item;
// Allow modules to alter contextual links.
drupal_alter('menu_contextual_links', $links, $router_item, $root_path);
// Performance: If the current user does not have access to any links for this
// router path and no other module added further links, we assign FALSE here
// to skip the entire process the next time the same router path is requested.
if (empty($links)) {
$path_empty[$parent_path] = TRUE;
return $links;