Define information about image effects provided by a module.
This hook enables modules to define image manipulation effects for use with an image style.
An array of image effects. This array is keyed on the machine-readable effect name. Each effect is defined as an associative array containing the following items:
Note: this list is generated by pattern matching, so it may include some functions that are not actually implementations of this hook.
function hook_image_effect_info() {
$effects = array();
$effects['mymodule_resize'] = array(
'label' => t('Resize'),
'help' => t('Resize an image to an exact set of dimensions, ignoring aspect ratio.'),
'effect callback' => 'mymodule_resize_effect',
'dimensions callback' => 'mymodule_resize_dimensions',
'form callback' => 'mymodule_resize_form',
'summary theme' => 'mymodule_resize_summary',
return $effects;