Form for editing an entire menu tree at once.
Shows for one menu the menu links accessible to the current user and relevant operations.
function menu_overview_form($form, &$form_state, $menu) {
global $menu_admin;
$form['#attached']['css'] = array(
drupal_get_path('module', 'menu') . '/menu.css',
$sql = "\n SELECT m.load_functions, m.to_arg_functions, m.access_callback, m.access_arguments, m.page_callback, m.page_arguments, m.delivery_callback, m.title, m.title_callback, m.title_arguments, m.type, m.description, ml.*\n FROM {menu_links} ml LEFT JOIN {menu_router} m ON m.path = ml.router_path\n WHERE ml.menu_name = :menu\n ORDER BY p1 ASC, p2 ASC, p3 ASC, p4 ASC, p5 ASC, p6 ASC, p7 ASC, p8 ASC, p9 ASC";
$result = db_query($sql, array(
':menu' => $menu['menu_name'],
), array(
'fetch' => PDO::FETCH_ASSOC,
$links = array();
foreach ($result as $item) {
$links[] = $item;
$tree = menu_tree_data($links);
$node_links = array();
menu_tree_collect_node_links($tree, $node_links);
// We indicate that a menu administrator is running the menu access check.
$menu_admin = TRUE;
menu_tree_check_access($tree, $node_links);
$menu_admin = FALSE;
$form = array_merge($form, _menu_overview_tree_form($tree));
$form['#menu'] = $menu;
if (element_children($form)) {
$form['actions'] = array(
'#type' => 'actions',
$form['actions']['submit'] = array(
'#type' => 'submit',
'#value' => t('Save configuration'),
else {
$form['#empty_text'] = t('There are no menu links yet. <a href="@link">Add link</a>.', array(
'@link' => url('admin/structure/menu/manage/' . $form['#menu']['menu_name'] . '/add'),
return $form;