function search_index

Update the full-text search index for a particular item.


$sid: An ID number identifying this particular item (e.g., node ID).

$module: The machine-readable name of the module that this item comes from (a module that implements hook_search_info()).

$text: The content of this item. Must be a piece of HTML or plain text.

Related topics

3 calls to search_index()
hook_update_index in drupal/modules/search/search.api.php
Update the search index for this module.
SearchMatchTestCase::_setup in drupal/modules/search/search.test
Set up a small index of items to test against.
_node_index_node in drupal/modules/node/node.module
Indexes a single node.
7 string references to 'search_index'
comment_node_view in drupal/modules/comment/comment.module
Implements hook_node_view().
hook_field_display_alter in drupal/modules/field/field.api.php
Alters the display settings of a field before it gets displayed.
hook_field_display_ENTITY_TYPE_alter in drupal/modules/field/field.api.php
Alters the display settings of a field on a given entity type before it gets displayed.
hook_update_index in drupal/modules/search/search.api.php
Update the search index for this module.
node_field_display_node_alter in drupal/modules/node/node.module
Implements hook_field_display_ENTITY_TYPE_alter().

... See full list


drupal/modules/search/search.module, line 554
Enables site-wide keyword searching.


function search_index($sid, $module, $text) {
  $minimum_word_size = variable_get('minimum_word_size', 3);

  // Link matching
  global $base_url;
  $node_regexp = '@href=[\'"]?(?:' . preg_quote($base_url, '@') . '/|' . preg_quote(base_path(), '@') . ')(?:\\?q=)?/?((?![a-z]+:)[^\'">]+)[\'">]@i';

  // Multipliers for scores of words inside certain HTML tags. The weights are stored
  // in a variable so that modules can overwrite the default weights.
  // Note: 'a' must be included for link ranking to work.
  $tags = variable_get('search_tag_weights', array(
    'h1' => 25,
    'h2' => 18,
    'h3' => 15,
    'h4' => 12,
    'h5' => 9,
    'h6' => 6,
    'u' => 3,
    'b' => 3,
    'i' => 3,
    'strong' => 3,
    'em' => 3,
    'a' => 10,

  // Strip off all ignored tags to speed up processing, but insert space before/after
  // them to keep word boundaries.
  $text = str_replace(array(
  ), array(
    ' <',
    '> ',
  ), $text);
  $text = strip_tags($text, '<' . implode('><', array_keys($tags)) . '>');

  // Split HTML tags from plain text.
  $split = preg_split('/\\s*<([^>]+?)>\\s*/', $text, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);

  // Note: PHP ensures the array consists of alternating delimiters and literals
  // and begins and ends with a literal (inserting $null as required).
  $tag = FALSE;

  // Odd/even counter. Tag or no tag.
  $link = FALSE;

  // State variable for link analyzer
  $score = 1;

  // Starting score per word
  $accum = ' ';

  // Accumulator for cleaned up data
  $tagstack = array();

  // Stack with open tags
  $tagwords = 0;

  // Counter for consecutive words
  $focus = 1;

  // Focus state
  $results = array(
    0 => array(),

  // Accumulator for words for index
  foreach ($split as $value) {
    if ($tag) {

      // Increase or decrease score per word based on tag
      list($tagname) = explode(' ', $value, 2);
      $tagname = drupal_strtolower($tagname);

      // Closing or opening tag?
      if ($tagname[0] == '/') {
        $tagname = substr($tagname, 1);

        // If we encounter unexpected tags, reset score to avoid incorrect boosting.
        if (!count($tagstack) || $tagstack[0] != $tagname) {
          $tagstack = array();
          $score = 1;
        else {

          // Remove from tag stack and decrement score
          $score = max(1, $score - $tags[array_shift($tagstack)]);
        if ($tagname == 'a') {
          $link = FALSE;
      else {
        if (isset($tagstack[0]) && $tagstack[0] == $tagname) {

          // None of the tags we look for make sense when nested identically.
          // If they are, it's probably broken HTML.
          $tagstack = array();
          $score = 1;
        else {

          // Add to open tag stack and increment score
          array_unshift($tagstack, $tagname);
          $score += $tags[$tagname];
        if ($tagname == 'a') {

          // Check if link points to a node on this site
          if (preg_match($node_regexp, $value, $match)) {
            $path = drupal_get_normal_path($match[1]);
            if (preg_match('!(?:node|book)/(?:view/)?([0-9]+)!i', $path, $match)) {
              $linknid = $match[1];
              if ($linknid > 0) {
                $node = db_query('SELECT title, nid, vid FROM {node} WHERE nid = :nid', array(
                  ':nid' => $linknid,
                ), array(
                  'target' => 'slave',
                $link = TRUE;
                $linktitle = $node->title;

      // A tag change occurred, reset counter.
      $tagwords = 0;
    else {

      // Note: use of PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE above will introduce empty values
      if ($value != '') {
        if ($link) {

          // Check to see if the node link text is its URL. If so, we use the target node title instead.
          if (preg_match('!^https?://!i', $value)) {
            $value = $linktitle;
        $words = search_index_split($value);
        foreach ($words as $word) {

          // Add word to accumulator
          $accum .= $word . ' ';

          // Check wordlength
          if (is_numeric($word) || drupal_strlen($word) >= $minimum_word_size) {

            // Links score mainly for the target.
            if ($link) {
              if (!isset($results[$linknid])) {
                $results[$linknid] = array();
              $results[$linknid][] = $word;

              // Reduce score of the link caption in the source.
              $focus *= 0.2;

            // Fall-through
            if (!isset($results[0][$word])) {
              $results[0][$word] = 0;
            $results[0][$word] += $score * $focus;

            // Focus is a decaying value in terms of the amount of unique words up to this point.
            // From 100 words and more, it decays, to e.g. 0.5 at 500 words and 0.3 at 1000 words.
            $focus = min(1, 0.01 + 3.5 / (2 + count($results[0]) * 0.015));

          // Too many words inside a single tag probably mean a tag was accidentally left open.
          if (count($tagstack) && $tagwords >= 15) {
            $tagstack = array();
            $score = 1;
    $tag = !$tag;
  search_reindex($sid, $module, TRUE);

  // Insert cleaned up data into dataset
    'sid' => $sid,
    'type' => $module,
    'data' => $accum,
    'reindex' => 0,

  // Insert results into search index
  foreach ($results[0] as $word => $score) {

    // If a word already exists in the database, its score gets increased
    // appropriately. If not, we create a new record with the appropriate
    // starting score.
      'word' => $word,
      'sid' => $sid,
      'type' => $module,
      'score' => $score,
      ->expression('score', 'score + :score', array(
      ':score' => $score,

  // Get all previous links from this item.
  $result = db_query("SELECT nid, caption FROM {search_node_links} WHERE sid = :sid AND type = :type", array(
    ':sid' => $sid,
    ':type' => $module,
  ), array(
    'target' => 'slave',
  $links = array();
  foreach ($result as $link) {
    $links[$link->nid] = $link->caption;

  // Now store links to nodes.
  foreach ($results as $nid => $words) {
    $caption = implode(' ', $words);
    if (isset($links[$nid])) {
      if ($links[$nid] != $caption) {

        // Update the existing link and mark the node for reindexing.
          'caption' => $caption,
          ->condition('sid', $sid)
          ->condition('type', $module)
          ->condition('nid', $nid)

      // Unset the link to mark it as processed.
    elseif ($sid != $nid || $module != 'node') {

      // Insert the existing link and mark the node for reindexing, but don't
      // reindex if this is a link in a node pointing to itself.
        'caption' => $caption,
        'sid' => $sid,
        'type' => $module,
        'nid' => $nid,

  // Any left-over links in $links no longer exist. Delete them and mark the nodes for reindexing.
  foreach ($links as $nid => $caption) {
      ->condition('sid', $sid)
      ->condition('type', $module)
      ->condition('nid', $nid)