
Primary tabs

File name Location Namespacesort ascending Description
trigger.api.php drupal/modules/trigger/trigger.api.php Hooks provided by the Trigger module. drupal/modules/search/tests/ name = "Search embedded form" description = "Support module for search module testing of embedded forms." package = Testing version = VERSION core = 7.x hidden = TRUE drupal/includes/ This is the actions engine for executing stored actions.
trigger.install drupal/modules/trigger/trigger.install Install, update and uninstall functions for the trigger module. drupal/modules/search/tests/ name = "Test search type" description = "Support module for search module testing." package = Testing version = VERSION core = 7.x hidden = TRUE
README.txt drupal/sites/all/libraries/README.txt This directory should be used to place downloaded and custom libraries (such as JavaScript libraries) which are used by contributed or custom modules. drupal/includes/ Common functions that many Drupal modules will need to reference.
trigger.module drupal/modules/trigger/trigger.module Enables functions to be stored and executed at a later time.
search_embedded_form.module drupal/modules/search/tests/search_embedded_form.module Test module implementing a form that can be embedded in search results. drupal/includes/ API for the Drupal menu system.
trigger.test drupal/modules/trigger/trigger.test Tests for trigger.module.
UnicodeTest.txt drupal/modules/search/tests/UnicodeTest.txt
cron_queue_test.module drupal/modules/system/tests/cron_queue_test.module drupal/includes/ Theming for maintenance pages.
php.install drupal/modules/php/php.install Install, update and uninstall functions for the php module.
search_extra_type.module drupal/modules/search/tests/search_extra_type.module Dummy module implementing a search type for search module testing. drupal/includes/ Miscellaneous functions.
php.test drupal/modules/php/php.test Tests for php.module.
file_module_test.module drupal/modules/file/tests/file_module_test.module Provides File module pages for testing purposes. drupal/includes/ Functions for error handling. drupal/modules/php/ name = PHP filter description = Allows embedded PHP code/snippets to be evaluated. package = Core version = VERSION core = 7.x files[] = php.test
file.test drupal/modules/file/tests/file.test Tests for file.module. drupal/modules/system/tests/ name = Cron Queue test description = 'Support module for the cron queue runner.' package = Testing version = VERSION core = 7.x hidden = TRUE drupal/includes/
php.module drupal/modules/php/php.module Additional filter for PHP input. drupal/modules/file/tests/ name = File test description = Provides hooks for testing File module functionality. package = Core version = VERSION core = 7.x hidden = TRUE drupal/includes/ Functions for form and batch generation and processing.
forums.tpl.php drupal/modules/forum/forums.tpl.php Displays a forum.
sql-1.txt drupal/modules/simpletest/files/sql-1.txt SELECT invalid_field FROM {invalid_table} drupal/includes/ API functions for installing Drupal.
forum-submitted.tpl.php drupal/modules/forum/forum-submitted.tpl.php Formats a forum post submission string.
html-2.html drupal/modules/simpletest/files/html-2.html drupal/includes/ Functions that need to be loaded on every Drupal request. drupal/modules/forum/ Administrative page callbacks for the Forum module.
html-1.txt drupal/modules/simpletest/files/html-1.txt <h1>SimpleTest HTML</h1> drupal/modules/system/tests/ name = System Cron Test description = 'Support module for testing the system_cron().' package = Testing version = VERSION core = 7.x hidden = TRUE drupal/includes/ This file contains the code registry parser engine.
forum-icon.tpl.php drupal/modules/forum/forum-icon.tpl.php Displays an appropriate icon for a forum post.
php-1.txt drupal/modules/simpletest/files/php-1.txt <?php print 'SimpleTest PHP was executed!'; ?> drupal/includes/ Functions to handle paths in Drupal, including path aliasing. drupal/modules/forum/ User page callbacks for the Forum module.
javascript-1.txt drupal/modules/simpletest/files/javascript-1.txt <script> alert('SimpleTest PHP was executed!'); </script> drupal/includes/ Drupal stream wrapper interface.
forum.module drupal/modules/forum/forum.module Provides discussion forums.
README.txt drupal/modules/simpletest/files/README.txt These files are useful in tests that upload files or otherwise need to manipulate files, in which case they are copied to the files directory as specified in the site settings. Dummy files can also be generated by tests in order to save space.
system_cron_test.module drupal/modules/system/tests/system_cron_test.module Helper module for CronRunTestCase::testCronCacheExpiration(). drupal/includes/ Provides a helper to properly encode HTML-safe JSON prior to PHP 5.3.0. drupal/modules/forum/ name = Forum description = Provides discussion forums. dependencies[] = taxonomy dependencies[] = comment package = Core version = VERSION core = 7.x files[] = forum.test configure = admin/structure/forum stylesheets[all][] = forum.css
php-2.php drupal/modules/simpletest/files/php-2.php
README.txt drupal/modules/README.txt This directory is reserved for core module files. Custom or contributed modules should be placed in their own subdirectory of the sites/all/modules directory. For multisite installations, they can also be placed in a subdirectory…


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