
Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
aggregator_form_feed_validate drupal/modules/aggregator/ Form validation handler for aggregator_form_feed().
aggregator_form_opml drupal/modules/aggregator/ Form constructor for importing feeds from OPML. 1
aggregator_form_opml_submit drupal/modules/aggregator/ Form submission handler for aggregator_form_opml().
aggregator_form_opml_validate drupal/modules/aggregator/ Form validation handler for aggregator_form_opml().
aggregator_help drupal/modules/aggregator/aggregator.module Implements hook_help().
aggregator_menu drupal/modules/aggregator/aggregator.module Implements hook_menu().
aggregator_page_categories drupal/modules/aggregator/ Page callback: Displays all the categories used by the Aggregator module. 1
aggregator_page_category drupal/modules/aggregator/ Page callback: Displays all the items aggregated in a particular category. 1 1
aggregator_page_category_form drupal/modules/aggregator/ Page callback: Displays a form containing items aggregated in a category. 1
aggregator_page_last drupal/modules/aggregator/ Page callback: Displays the most recent items gathered from any feed. 1
aggregator_page_opml drupal/modules/aggregator/ Page callback: Generates an OPML representation of all feeds. 1
aggregator_page_rss drupal/modules/aggregator/ Page callback: Generates an RSS 0.92 feed of aggregator items or categories. 1
aggregator_page_source drupal/modules/aggregator/ Page callback: Displays all the items captured from the particular feed. 1 1
aggregator_page_sources drupal/modules/aggregator/ Page callback: Displays all the feeds used by the aggregator. 1
aggregator_page_source_form drupal/modules/aggregator/ Page callback: Displays a form with all items captured from a feed. 1
aggregator_parse_feed drupal/modules/aggregator/ Parses a feed and stores its items. 1
aggregator_parse_w3cdtf drupal/modules/aggregator/ Parses the W3C date/time format, a subset of ISO 8601. 1
aggregator_permission drupal/modules/aggregator/aggregator.module Implements hook_permission().
aggregator_refresh drupal/modules/aggregator/aggregator.module Checks a news feed for new items. 5 2
aggregator_remove drupal/modules/aggregator/aggregator.module Removes all items from a feed. 1
aggregator_sanitize_configuration drupal/modules/aggregator/aggregator.module Checks and sanitizes the aggregator configuration. 1
aggregator_save_category drupal/modules/aggregator/aggregator.module Adds/edits/deletes aggregator categories. 3
aggregator_save_feed drupal/modules/aggregator/aggregator.module Add/edit/delete an aggregator feed. 3
aggregator_save_item drupal/modules/aggregator/ Adds/edits/deletes an aggregator item. 1
aggregator_schema drupal/modules/aggregator/aggregator.install Implements hook_schema().
aggregator_test_feed drupal/modules/aggregator/tests/aggregator_test.module Page callback. Generates a test feed and simulates last-modified and etags. 1
aggregator_test_menu drupal/modules/aggregator/tests/aggregator_test.module Implements hook_menu().
aggregator_theme drupal/modules/aggregator/aggregator.module Implements hook_theme().
aggregator_uninstall drupal/modules/aggregator/aggregator.install Implements hook_uninstall().
aggregator_update_7000 drupal/modules/aggregator/aggregator.install Add hash column to aggregator_feed table.
aggregator_update_7001 drupal/modules/aggregator/aggregator.install Add aggregator teaser length to settings from old global default teaser length
aggregator_update_7002 drupal/modules/aggregator/aggregator.install Add queued timestamp.
aggregator_update_7003 drupal/modules/aggregator/aggregator.install Increase the length of {aggregator_feed}.url.
aggregator_update_7004 drupal/modules/aggregator/aggregator.install Add index on timestamp.
aggregator_view drupal/modules/aggregator/ Displays the aggregator administration page. 1
ajax_base_page_theme drupal/includes/ Theme callback for Ajax requests. 2
ajax_command_add_css drupal/includes/ Creates a Drupal Ajax 'add_css' command. 2
ajax_command_after drupal/includes/ Creates a Drupal Ajax 'insert/after' command. 1
ajax_command_alert drupal/includes/ Creates a Drupal Ajax 'alert' command. 2
ajax_command_append drupal/includes/ Creates a Drupal Ajax 'insert/append' command. 2
ajax_command_before drupal/includes/ Creates a Drupal Ajax 'insert/before' command. 1
ajax_command_changed drupal/includes/ Creates a Drupal Ajax 'changed' command. 2
ajax_command_css drupal/includes/ Creates a Drupal Ajax 'css' command. 1
ajax_command_data drupal/includes/ Creates a Drupal Ajax 'data' command. 3
ajax_command_html drupal/includes/ Creates a Drupal Ajax 'insert/html' command. 3
ajax_command_insert drupal/includes/ Creates a Drupal Ajax 'insert' command using the method in #ajax['method']. 2
ajax_command_invoke drupal/includes/ Creates a Drupal Ajax 'invoke' command. 1
ajax_command_prepend drupal/includes/ Creates a Drupal Ajax 'insert/prepend' command. 4
ajax_command_remove drupal/includes/ Creates a Drupal Ajax 'remove' command. 1
ajax_command_replace drupal/includes/ Creates a Drupal Ajax 'insert/replaceWith' command. 1


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