ajax_command_restripe |
drupal/includes/ajax.inc |
Creates a Drupal Ajax 'restripe' command. |
1 |
ajax_command_settings |
drupal/includes/ajax.inc |
Creates a Drupal Ajax 'settings' command. |
2 |
ajax_command_update_build_id |
drupal/includes/ajax.inc |
Creates a Drupal Ajax 'update_build_id' command. |
1 |
ajax_deliver |
drupal/includes/ajax.inc |
Packages and sends the result of a page callback as an Ajax response. |
4 |
ajax_footer |
drupal/includes/ajax.inc |
Performs end-of-Ajax-request tasks. |
1 |
ajax_forms_test_advanced_commands_add_css_callback |
drupal/modules/simpletest/tests/ajax_forms_test.module |
Ajax callback for 'add_css'. |
1 |
ajax_forms_test_advanced_commands_after_callback |
drupal/modules/simpletest/tests/ajax_forms_test.module |
Ajax callback for 'after'. |
1 |
ajax_forms_test_advanced_commands_alert_callback |
drupal/modules/simpletest/tests/ajax_forms_test.module |
Ajax callback for 'alert'. |
1 |
ajax_forms_test_advanced_commands_append_callback |
drupal/modules/simpletest/tests/ajax_forms_test.module |
Ajax callback for 'append'. |
1 |
ajax_forms_test_advanced_commands_before_callback |
drupal/modules/simpletest/tests/ajax_forms_test.module |
Ajax callback for 'before'. |
1 |
ajax_forms_test_advanced_commands_changed_asterisk_callback |
drupal/modules/simpletest/tests/ajax_forms_test.module |
Ajax callback for 'changed' with asterisk marking inner div. |
1 |
ajax_forms_test_advanced_commands_changed_callback |
drupal/modules/simpletest/tests/ajax_forms_test.module |
Ajax callback for 'changed'. |
1 |
ajax_forms_test_advanced_commands_css_callback |
drupal/modules/simpletest/tests/ajax_forms_test.module |
Ajax callback for 'css'. |
1 |
ajax_forms_test_advanced_commands_data_callback |
drupal/modules/simpletest/tests/ajax_forms_test.module |
Ajax callback for 'data'. |
1 |
ajax_forms_test_advanced_commands_html_callback |
drupal/modules/simpletest/tests/ajax_forms_test.module |
Ajax callback for 'html'. |
1 |
ajax_forms_test_advanced_commands_insert_callback |
drupal/modules/simpletest/tests/ajax_forms_test.module |
Ajax callback for 'insert'. |
1 |
ajax_forms_test_advanced_commands_invoke_callback |
drupal/modules/simpletest/tests/ajax_forms_test.module |
Ajax callback for 'invoke'. |
1 |
ajax_forms_test_advanced_commands_prepend_callback |
drupal/modules/simpletest/tests/ajax_forms_test.module |
Ajax callback for 'prepend'. |
1 |
ajax_forms_test_advanced_commands_remove_callback |
drupal/modules/simpletest/tests/ajax_forms_test.module |
Ajax callback for 'remove'. |
1 |
ajax_forms_test_advanced_commands_restripe_callback |
drupal/modules/simpletest/tests/ajax_forms_test.module |
Ajax callback for 'restripe'. |
1 |
ajax_forms_test_advanced_commands_settings_callback |
drupal/modules/simpletest/tests/ajax_forms_test.module |
Ajax callback for 'settings'. |
1 |
ajax_forms_test_ajax_commands_form |
drupal/modules/simpletest/tests/ajax_forms_test.module |
Form to display the Ajax Commands. |
2 |
ajax_forms_test_lazy_load_form |
drupal/modules/simpletest/tests/ajax_forms_test.module |
Form builder: Builds a form that triggers a simple AJAX callback. |
3 |
ajax_forms_test_lazy_load_form_ajax |
drupal/modules/simpletest/tests/ajax_forms_test.module |
AJAX callback for the ajax_forms_test_lazy_load_form() form. |
1 |
ajax_forms_test_lazy_load_form_submit |
drupal/modules/simpletest/tests/ajax_forms_test.module |
Form submit handler: Adds JavaScript and CSS that wasn't on the original form. |
1 |
ajax_forms_test_menu |
drupal/modules/simpletest/tests/ajax_forms_test.module |
Implements hook_menu(). |
ajax_forms_test_simple_form |
drupal/modules/simpletest/tests/ajax_forms_test.module |
A basic form used to test form_state['values'] during callback. |
1 |
ajax_forms_test_simple_form_checkbox_callback |
drupal/modules/simpletest/tests/ajax_forms_test.module |
Ajax callback triggered by checkbox. |
1 |
ajax_forms_test_simple_form_select_callback |
drupal/modules/simpletest/tests/ajax_forms_test.module |
Ajax callback triggered by select. |
1 |
ajax_forms_test_validation_form |
drupal/modules/simpletest/tests/ajax_forms_test.module |
This form and its related submit and callback functions demonstrate
not validating another form element when a single Ajax element is triggered. |
1 |
ajax_forms_test_validation_form_callback |
drupal/modules/simpletest/tests/ajax_forms_test.module |
Ajax callback for the 'drivertext' element of the validation form. |
1 |
ajax_forms_test_validation_form_submit |
drupal/modules/simpletest/tests/ajax_forms_test.module |
Submit handler for the validation form. |
ajax_form_callback |
drupal/includes/ajax.inc |
Menu callback; handles Ajax requests for the #ajax Form API property. |
1 |
ajax_get_form |
drupal/includes/ajax.inc |
Gets a form submitted via #ajax during an Ajax callback. |
2 |
ajax_prepare_response |
drupal/includes/ajax.inc |
Converts the return value of a page callback into an Ajax commands array. |
2 |
ajax_pre_render_element |
drupal/includes/ajax.inc |
Adds Ajax information about an element to communicate with JavaScript. |
2 |
ajax_process_form |
drupal/includes/ajax.inc |
Form element processing handler for the #ajax form property. |
1 |
ajax_render |
drupal/includes/ajax.inc |
Renders a commands array into JSON. |
1 |
1 |
ajax_set_verification_header |
drupal/includes/ajax.inc |
Sets a response header for ajax.js to trust the response body. |
2 |
ajax_test_error |
drupal/modules/simpletest/tests/ajax_test.module |
Menu callback; Returns Ajax element with #error property set. |
1 |
ajax_test_link |
drupal/modules/simpletest/tests/ajax_test.module |
Menu callback; Renders a #type link with #ajax. |
1 |
ajax_test_menu |
drupal/modules/simpletest/tests/ajax_test.module |
Implements hook_menu(). |
ajax_test_render |
drupal/modules/simpletest/tests/ajax_test.module |
Menu callback; Return an element suitable for use by ajax_deliver(). |
1 |
ajax_test_system_theme_info |
drupal/modules/simpletest/tests/ajax_test.module |
Implements hook_system_theme_info(). |
archiver_get_archiver |
drupal/includes/common.inc |
Creates the appropriate archiver for the specified file. |
1 |
archiver_get_extensions |
drupal/includes/common.inc |
Returns a string of supported archive extensions. |
3 |
archiver_get_info |
drupal/includes/common.inc |
Retrieves a list of all available archivers. |
2 |
arg |
drupal/includes/bootstrap.inc |
Returns a component of the current Drupal path. |
28 |
authorize_access_allowed |
drupal/authorize.php |
Determines if the current user is allowed to run authorize.php. |
1 |
authorize_access_denied_page |
drupal/authorize.php |
Renders a 403 access denied page for authorize.php. |
1 |