function drupal_http_build_query

Parses an array into a valid, rawurlencoded query string.


as of Drupal 8.0. Use Drupal::urlGenerator()->httpBuildQuery() instead.

See also



Related topics

10 calls to drupal_http_build_query()
drupal_current_script_url in drupal/core/includes/
Returns the URL of the current script, with modified query parameters.
FieldPluginBase::renderAsLink in drupal/core/modules/views/lib/Drupal/views/Plugin/views/field/FieldPluginBase.php
Render this field as a link, with the info from a fieldset set by the user.
image_style_url in drupal/core/modules/image/image.module
Returns the URL for an image derivative given a style and image path.
install_redirect_url in drupal/core/includes/
Returns the URL that should be redirected to during an installation request.
MenuLinkFormController::form in drupal/core/modules/menu_link/lib/Drupal/menu_link/MenuLinkFormController.php
Overrides EntityFormController::form().

... See full list


drupal/core/includes/, line 509
Common functions that many Drupal modules will need to reference.


function drupal_http_build_query(array $query, $parent = '') {
  return Drupal::urlGenerator()
    ->httpBuildQuery($query, $parent);