function install_check_translations

Checks installation requirements and reports any errors.

1 call to install_check_translations()
install_download_translation in drupal/core/includes/
Download a translation file for the selected langaguage.


drupal/core/includes/, line 1997
API functions for installing Drupal.


function install_check_translations($install_state) {
  $requirements = array();
  $readable = FALSE;
  $writable = FALSE;

  // @todo: Make this configurable.
  $files_directory = conf_path() . '/files';
  $translations_directory = conf_path() . '/files/translations';
  $translations_directory_exists = FALSE;
  $online = FALSE;

  // First attempt to create or make writable the files directory.
  file_prepare_directory($files_directory, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY | FILE_MODIFY_PERMISSIONS);

  // Then, attempt to create or make writable the translations directory.
  file_prepare_directory($translations_directory, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY | FILE_MODIFY_PERMISSIONS);

  // Get values so the requirements errors can be specific.
  if (drupal_verify_install_file($translations_directory, FILE_EXIST | FILE_WRITABLE, 'dir')) {
    $readable = is_readable($translations_directory);
    $writable = is_writable($translations_directory);
    $translations_directory_exists = TRUE;

  // Build URLs for the translation file and the translation server.
  $release = install_get_localization_release();
  $langcode = $install_state['parameters']['langcode'];
  $variables = array(
    '%project' => 'drupal',
    '%version' => $release['version'],
    '%core' => $release['core'],
    '%language' => $langcode,
  $translation_url = strtr($install_state['server_pattern'], $variables);
  $elements = parse_url($translation_url);
  $server_url = $elements['scheme'] . '://' . $elements['host'];

  // Build the language name for display.
  $languages = LanguageManager::getStandardLanguageList();
  $language = isset($languages[$langcode]) ? $languages[$langcode][0] : $langcode;

  // Check if the desirered translation file is available and if the translation
  // server can be reached, or in other words if we have an internet connection.
  if ($translation_available = install_check_localization_server($translation_url)) {
    $online = TRUE;
  else {
    if (install_check_localization_server($server_url)) {
      $online = TRUE;

  // If the translations directory does not exists, throw an error.
  if (!$translations_directory_exists) {
    $requirements['translations directory exists'] = array(
      'title' => st('Translations directory'),
      'value' => st('The translations directory does not exist.'),
      'severity' => REQUIREMENT_ERROR,
      'description' => st('The installer requires that you create a translations directory as part of the installation process. Create the directory %translations_directory . More details about installing Drupal are available in <a href="@install_txt">INSTALL.txt</a>.', array(
        '%translations_directory' => $translations_directory,
        '@install_txt' => base_path() . 'core/INSTALL.txt',
  else {
    $requirements['translations directory exists'] = array(
      'title' => st('Translations directory'),
      'value' => st('The diretory %translations_directory exists.', array(
        '%translations_directory' => $translations_directory,

    // If the translations directory is not readable, throw an error.
    if (!$readable) {
      $requirements['translations directory readable'] = array(
        'title' => st('Translations directory'),
        'value' => st('The translations directory is not readable.'),
        'severity' => REQUIREMENT_ERROR,
        'description' => st('The installer requires read permissions to %translations_directory at all times. If you are unsure how to grant file permissions, consult the <a href="@handbook_url">online handbook</a>.', array(
          '%translations_directory' => $translations_directory,
          '@handbook_url' => '',

    // If translations directory is not writable, throw an error.
    if (!$writable) {
      $requirements['translations directory writable'] = array(
        'title' => st('Translations directory'),
        'value' => st('The translations directory is not writable.'),
        'severity' => REQUIREMENT_ERROR,
        'description' => st('The installer requires write permissions to %translations_directory during the installation process. If you are unsure how to grant file permissions, consult the <a href="@handbook_url">online handbook</a>.', array(
          '%translations_directory' => $translations_directory,
          '@handbook_url' => '',
    else {
      $requirements['translations directory writable'] = array(
        'title' => st('Translations directory'),
        'value' => st('The translations directory is writable.'),

  // If the translations server can not be contacted, throw an error.
  if (!$online) {
    $requirements['online'] = array(
      'title' => st('Internet'),
      'value' => st('The translation server is offline.'),
      'severity' => REQUIREMENT_ERROR,
      'description' => st('The installer requires to contact the translation server to download a translation file. Check your internet connection and verify that your website can reach the translation server at <a href="!server_url">!server_url</a>.', array(
        '!server_url' => $server_url,
  else {
    $requirements['online'] = array(
      'title' => st('Internet'),
      'value' => st('The translation server is online.'),

    // If translation file is not found at the translation server, throw an
    // error.
    if (!$translation_available) {
      $requirements['translation available'] = array(
        'title' => st('Translation'),
        'value' => st('The %language translation is not available.', array(
          '%language' => $language,
        'severity' => REQUIREMENT_ERROR,
        'description' => st('The %language translation file is not available at the translation server. <a href="!url">Choose a different language</a> or select English and translate your website later.', array(
          '%language' => $language,
          '!url' => check_url($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']),
    else {
      $requirements['translation available'] = array(
        'title' => st('Translation'),
        'value' => st('The %language translation is available.', array(
          '%language' => $language,
  if ($translations_directory_exists && $readable && $writable && $translation_available) {
    $translation_downloaded = install_retrieve_file($translation_url, $translations_directory);
    if (!$translation_downloaded) {
      $requirements['translation downloaded'] = array(
        'title' => st('Translation'),
        'value' => st('The %language translation could not be downloaded.', array(
          '%language' => $language,
        'severity' => REQUIREMENT_ERROR,
        'description' => st('The %language translation file could not be downloaded. <a href="!url">Choose a different language</a> or select English and translate your website later.', array(
          '%language' => $language,
          '!url' => check_url($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']),
  return $requirements;