abstract protected function ConfirmFormBase::getCancelPath

Returns the page to go to if the user cancels the action.

Return value

string|array This can be either:

  • A string containing a Drupal path.
  • An associative array with a 'path' key. Additional array values are passed as the $options parameter to l().

If the 'destination' query parameter is set in the URL when viewing a confirmation form, that value will be used instead of this path.

1 call to ConfirmFormBase::getCancelPath()
29 methods override ConfirmFormBase::getCancelPath()
AdminBlockDeleteForm::getCancelPath in drupal/core/modules/block/lib/Drupal/block/Form/AdminBlockDeleteForm.php
Returns the page to go to if the user cancels the action.
BanDelete::getCancelPath in drupal/core/modules/ban/lib/Drupal/ban/Form/BanDelete.php
Returns the page to go to if the user cancels the action.
BreakLockForm::getCancelPath in drupal/core/modules/views_ui/lib/Drupal/views_ui/Form/BreakLockForm.php
Implements \Drupal\Core\Form\ConfirmFormBase::getCancelPath().
ConfigTestDeleteForm::getCancelPath in drupal/core/modules/config/tests/config_test/lib/Drupal/config_test/Form/ConfigTestDeleteForm.php
Returns the page to go to if the user cancels the action.
ConfirmFormTestForm::getCancelPath in drupal/core/modules/system/tests/modules/form_test/lib/Drupal/form_test/ConfirmFormTestForm.php
Implements \Drupal\Core\Form\ConfirmFormBase::getCancelPath().

... See full list


drupal/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Form/ConfirmFormBase.php, line 34
Contains \Drupal\Core\Form\ConfirmFormBase.


Provides an generic base class for a confirmation form.




protected abstract function getCancelPath();