function config_test_entity_info_alter

Implements hook_entity_info_alter().


drupal/core/modules/config/tests/config_test/config_test.module, line 105
Provides Config module hook implementations for testing purposes.


function config_test_entity_info_alter(&$entity_info) {

  // The 'translatable' entity key is not supposed to change over time. In this
  // case we can safely do it because we set it once and we do not change it for
  // all the duration of the test session.
  $entity_info['config_test']['translatable'] = Drupal::service('state')

  // Create a clone of config_test that does not have a status.
  $entity_info['config_test_no_status'] = $entity_info['config_test'];
  $entity_info['config_test_no_status']['config_prefix'] = 'config_test.no_status';