Reads a single instance record from the database.
Generally, you should use field_info_instance() instead, as it provides caching and allows other modules the opportunity to append additional formatters, widgets, and other information.
$entity_type: The type of entity to which the field is bound.
$field_name: The field name to read.
$bundle: The bundle to which the field is bound.
array $include_additional: The default behavior of this function is to not return an instance that has been deleted, or whose field is inactive. Setting $include_additional['include_inactive'] or $include_additional['include_deleted'] to TRUE will override this behavior.
An instance structure, or FALSE.
function field_read_instance($entity_type, $field_name, $bundle, $include_additional = array()) {
$instances = field_read_instances(array(
'entity_type' => $entity_type,
'field_name' => $field_name,
'bundle' => $bundle,
), $include_additional);
return $instances ? current($instances) : FALSE;